Analysis and prediction of pedestrian crosswalk behavior during automated vehicle interactions

SK Jayaraman, DM Tilbury, XJ Yang… - … on robotics and …, 2020‏ -
For safe navigation around pedestrians, automated vehicles (AVs) need to plan their motion
by accurately predicting pedestrians' trajectories over long time horizons. Current …

Multimodal hybrid pedestrian: A hybrid automaton model of urban pedestrian behavior for automated driving applications

SK Jayaraman, LP Robert, XJ Yang, DM Tilbury - Ieee Access, 2021‏ -
For automated vehicles (AVs) to navigate safely, they must be able to anticipate and predict
the behavior of pedestrians. This is particularly critical in urban driving environments where …

Runtime monitoring of stochastic cyber-physical systems with hybrid state

AP Sistla, M Žefran, Y Feng - International Conference on Runtime …, 2011‏ - Springer
Correct functioning of cyber-physical systems is of critical importance. This is more so in the
case of safety critical systems such as in medical, automotive and many other applications …

Improving robustness of mobile robots using model-based reasoning

M Hofbaur, J Köb, G Steinbauer, F Wotawa - Journal of Intelligent and …, 2007‏ - Springer
Retaining functionality of a mobile robot in the presence of faults is of particular interest in
autonomous robotics. From our experiences in robotics we know that hardware is one of the …

Monitorability of stochastic dynamical systems

AP Sistla, M Žefran, Y Feng - … Conference, CAV 2011, Snowbird, UT, USA …, 2011‏ - Springer
Monitoring is an important run time correctness checking mechanism. This paper introduces
the notions of monitorability and strong monitorability for partially observable stochastic …

Model-based fault diagnosis and reconfiguration of robot drives

M Brandstotter, MW Hofbaur… - 2007 IEEE/RSJ …, 2007‏ -
Modern drives of mobile robots are complex machines. Because of this complexity, as well
as of wear and aging of components, faults occurs in such systems quite frequently at …

A methodology for monitoring smart buildings with incomplete models

H Khorasgani, G Biswas - Applied Soft Computing, 2018‏ - Elsevier
This paper combines a residual-based diagnosis approach and an unsupervised anomaly
detection method for monitoring and fault diagnosis in smart buildings. Typically buildings …

Optimum input design for fault detection and diagnosis: Model-based prediction and statistical distance measures

KKK Kim, DM Raimondo… - 2013 European Control …, 2013‏ -
This paper proposes optimization-based active fault detection and diagnosis (FDD)
methods. An optimal input sequence is computed for maximizing discrimination between …

Hidden Markov models in dynamic system modelling and diagnosis

T Al-ani - Hidden Markov models, theory and applications, 2011‏ -
Over the past few decades, Hidden Markov models HMMs have been widely applied as a
data-driven modeling approach in automatic speech recognition (Rabiner, 1989). In this …

Modular re-configurable robot drives

M Hofbaur, M Brandstötter, S Jantscher… - … IEEE Conference on …, 2010‏ -
We propose a modular platform for wheeled mobile robots that utilises a 6-edge honey-
comb prism as its basic building block to realize robot drives of diverse geometry. In terms of …