Analysis and prediction of pedestrian crosswalk behavior during automated vehicle interactions
For safe navigation around pedestrians, automated vehicles (AVs) need to plan their motion
by accurately predicting pedestrians' trajectories over long time horizons. Current …
by accurately predicting pedestrians' trajectories over long time horizons. Current …
Multimodal hybrid pedestrian: A hybrid automaton model of urban pedestrian behavior for automated driving applications
For automated vehicles (AVs) to navigate safely, they must be able to anticipate and predict
the behavior of pedestrians. This is particularly critical in urban driving environments where …
the behavior of pedestrians. This is particularly critical in urban driving environments where …
Runtime monitoring of stochastic cyber-physical systems with hybrid state
Correct functioning of cyber-physical systems is of critical importance. This is more so in the
case of safety critical systems such as in medical, automotive and many other applications …
case of safety critical systems such as in medical, automotive and many other applications …
Improving robustness of mobile robots using model-based reasoning
Retaining functionality of a mobile robot in the presence of faults is of particular interest in
autonomous robotics. From our experiences in robotics we know that hardware is one of the …
autonomous robotics. From our experiences in robotics we know that hardware is one of the …
Monitorability of stochastic dynamical systems
Monitoring is an important run time correctness checking mechanism. This paper introduces
the notions of monitorability and strong monitorability for partially observable stochastic …
the notions of monitorability and strong monitorability for partially observable stochastic …
Model-based fault diagnosis and reconfiguration of robot drives
Modern drives of mobile robots are complex machines. Because of this complexity, as well
as of wear and aging of components, faults occurs in such systems quite frequently at …
as of wear and aging of components, faults occurs in such systems quite frequently at …
A methodology for monitoring smart buildings with incomplete models
This paper combines a residual-based diagnosis approach and an unsupervised anomaly
detection method for monitoring and fault diagnosis in smart buildings. Typically buildings …
detection method for monitoring and fault diagnosis in smart buildings. Typically buildings …
Optimum input design for fault detection and diagnosis: Model-based prediction and statistical distance measures
This paper proposes optimization-based active fault detection and diagnosis (FDD)
methods. An optimal input sequence is computed for maximizing discrimination between …
methods. An optimal input sequence is computed for maximizing discrimination between …
Hidden Markov models in dynamic system modelling and diagnosis
Over the past few decades, Hidden Markov models HMMs have been widely applied as a
data-driven modeling approach in automatic speech recognition (Rabiner, 1989). In this …
data-driven modeling approach in automatic speech recognition (Rabiner, 1989). In this …
Modular re-configurable robot drives
We propose a modular platform for wheeled mobile robots that utilises a 6-edge honey-
comb prism as its basic building block to realize robot drives of diverse geometry. In terms of …
comb prism as its basic building block to realize robot drives of diverse geometry. In terms of …