Role of microbes in plant growth and food preservation

AH Gondal, Q Farooq, I Hussain… - … Jurnal Agroteknologi Dan …, 2021 -
Introduction: Microbes perform better functions for agricultural production by promoting
various direct and indirect mechanisms in soil and plants. If agricultural development is to …

Formulasi dan evaluasi sediaan balsem stik dari oleoresin jahe merah (Zingiber officinale Rosc) sebagai pereda nyeri otot dan sendi

A Athaillah, SO Lianda - Journal of Pharmaceutical And Sciences, 2021 -
Ginger develops rapidly and is widely used with appropriate processing systems. The main
chemical compounds found in ginger are essential oils, oleoresin and starch. Extraction of …

Formulasi Tablet dengan Bahan Aktif Ekstrak Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia

A Suparman, Y Susilawati… - Majalah Farmasetika, 2021 -
Penggunaan tumbuhan obat sebagai bahan aktif pada sediaan obat herbal telah banyak
digunakan baik untuk upaya preventif, Page 1 Abstrak Penggunaan tumbuhan obat …

Pemanfaatan Pupuk Kandang Ayam, Pupuk Kalium dan Magnesium Terhadap Pertumbuhan Jagung Manis (Zea Mays Saccharata Strut)

RH Hutagalung, TBH Zulkifli, IA Putra… - Agrinula: Jurnal …, 2019 -
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pemanfaatan pupuk kandang ayam dan pemberian
pupuk kalium serta magnesium terhadap pertumbuhan jagung manis (Zea mays saccharata …

Hydroponic garlic production: an overview

MF Ali, U Ali, MA Jamil, M Awais, MJ Khan… - Agrinula: Jurnal …, 2021 -
Introduction: Garlic is an important crop growing all around the globe for its nutritional and
medicinal purpose. Due to climate change soil production of garlic is affected and thus lower …

Solid Dispersion of Acetosal Using Polyvinyl Pyrrolidone (PVP) K-30 in Tablets with Direct Compressing Method

K Khasanah, D Nawangsari… - Indonesian Journal of …, 2023 -
Acetosal is classified in the Biopharmaceutical Classification System (BCS) class II (low
solubility, high permeability). Low solubility causes a decreased dissolution rate. Polyvinyl …

Physical and microbiological characteristics grain kefir tablets in different tablet manufacturing methods.

AM Legowo, H Rizqiati, AS Priambodo… - 2023 -
Kefir grain requires refreshment and cold storage so it needs to be processed into tablets to
make it more practical. Three manufacturing methods (wet granulation, dry granulation and …

Macroscopic fungi exploration in Batang Gadis National Park Resort 7 Mandailing Natal District, North Sumatra

SM Siagian, H Febriani… - … : Jurnal Agroteknologi dan …, 2021 -
Introduction: Macroscopic fungi are simple plants that are often found growing wild in the
wild. This study aims to determine the types of macroscopic fungi, to recognize the beneficial …

Fertilization the omission one test as determination limiting factors for maize biomass (Zea mays L.)

K Tampubolon, BF Azmi, PA Tamba… - Agrinula: Jurnal …, 2021 -
Introduction: The research was aimed to obtain information on the impact of omission one
test fertilization as a determination limiting factors for the growth and biomass of maize in …

Formulasi Dan Evaluasi Sediaan Edible Film Strips Jus Herbal Kombinasi Menggunakan Polimer Pati Kentang (Solanum Tuberosum L) Dengan Variasi Plasticizer …

YS Wahyuni, Y Rikmasari, R Maulidiah - Journal of Pharmaceutical …, 2021 -
Edible film strips are a thin layer easily placed on the tongue or oral mucosal tissue, which
will immediately get wet because the saliva will quickly disintegrate and dissolve …