Корелација помеѓу моторниот развој и развојот на говор кај децата

В Сиљаноска - 2023 - repository.ukim.mk
Introduction: Speech develops from birth, motor movements, on the other hand, are reflexive
at first but become voluntary as the baby grows and progresses through certain …

Caregiver Engagement in Early Intervention for Deaf or Hard of Hearing Children: Does Provider Identity Matter?

CM Renn - 2022 - griffinshare.fontbonne.edu
The central question for this mixed-method research study was to examine whether
caregiver engagement in early intervention for deaf or hard of hearing children is influenced …

Early Childhood Intervention in North Macedonia–Parents' Perspective

AK Ristovska, G Naumovska - ceeol.com
Early childhood intervention (ECI) should focus on building strong relationships with
families, as this family-centered approach leads to improved developmental outcomes for …

Updating University Curricula in Early Childhood Intervention

A Karovska Ristovska, D Daskalovski, G Ajdinski… - 2023 - repository.ukim.mk
Early identification of developmental delays is at the utmost importance in a child's
development. Professionals in psychological, medical, scientific and educational fields have …

Family-Centered Early Childhood Intervention in Kosovo: Perceptions of Parents

GR Hoxha, AK Ristovska - ceeol.com
This study investigates the Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) support system in Kosovo,
emphasizing the perspectives of families with children experiencing developmental delays …

[PDF][PDF] Professionals' Perceptions on Family-Centered Early Childhood Intervention for Children with Developmental Delays in Kosovo

GR Hoxha, AK Ristovska - researchgate.net
Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) services play a crucial role in supporting children with
developmental delays and/or disabilities, focusing on both child and family needs. However …

Рецептивен говор кај деца со кохлеарен имплант и развојно говорно-јазично нарушување вклучени во рана интервенција

Б Крстевска-Кокорманова - 2023 - repository.ukim.mk
Title: Рецептивен говор кај деца со кохлеарен имплант и развојно говорно-јазично
нарушување вклучени во рана интервенција Authors: Крстевска-Кокорманова, Билјана …

Прaкcијa кaј дeцa co гoвoрнo јaзични прoблeми нa прeдучилишнa вoзрacт

М Пехчевска - 2023 - repository.ukim.mk
The term dyspraxia is used to describe symptoms of clumsiness or poor motor coordination.
This is part of a spectrum of disorders that includes developmental coordination disorder …

[PDF][PDF] Емоционалниот аспект и третман кај децата со дислексија

Т Г Божиновска - 2022 - repository.ukim.mk
Главните заеднички својства за сите дислексичари се:-може да ја користи способноста
на мозокот да менува и да создава перцепции;-многу се свесни за својата околина; …