Normative foundations of human cooperation

E Fehr, I Schurtenberger - Nature human behaviour, 2018 -
A large literature shares the view that social norms shape human cooperation, but without a
clean empirical identification of the relevant norms almost every behaviour can be …

[HTML][HTML] Happy to help? A systematic review and meta-analysis of the effects of performing acts of kindness on the well-being of the actor

OS Curry, LA Rowland, CJ Van Lissa… - Journal of Experimental …, 2018 - Elsevier
Do acts of kindness improve the well-being of the actor? Recent advances in the
behavioural sciences have provided a number of explanations of human social, cooperative …

[KNIHA][B] Misbehaving: The making of behavioral economics

RH Thaler - 2015 -
Winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics Get ready to change the way you think about
economics. Nobel laureate Richard H. Thaler has spent his career studying the radical …

A more dynamic understanding of human behaviour for the Anthropocene

C Schill, JM Anderies, T Lindahl, C Folke… - Nature …, 2019 -
Human behaviour is of profound significance in sha** pathways towards sustainability.
Yet, the approach to understanding human behaviour in many fields remains reliant on …

Morality as cooperation: A problem-centred approach

OS Curry - The evolution of morality, 2016 - Springer
What is morality, where does it come from, and how does it work? Scholars have struggled
with these questions for millennia. But we now have a scientific answer. The theory of …

Sustaining cooperation in laboratory public goods experiments: a selective survey of the literature

A Chaudhuri - Experimental economics, 2011 - Springer
I survey the literature post Ledyard (Handbook of Experimental Economics, ed. by J. Kagel,
A. Roth, Chap. 2, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1995) on three related issues in …

Social preferences, beliefs, and the dynamics of free riding in public goods experiments

U Fischbacher, S Gächter - American economic review, 2010 -
One lingering puzzle is why voluntary contributions to public goods decline over time in
experimental and real-world settings. We show that the decline of cooperation is driven by …

Cooperative behavior cascades in human social networks

JH Fowler, NA Christakis - Proceedings of the National Academy of …, 2010 -
Theoretical models suggest that social networks influence the evolution of cooperation, but
to date there have been few experimental studies. Observational data suggest that a wide …

Social value orientation, expectations, and cooperation in social dilemmas: A meta–analysis

JL Pletzer, D Balliet, J Joireman… - European Journal …, 2018 -
Interdependent situations are pervasive in human life. In these situations, it is essential to
form expectations about the others' behaviour to adapt one's own behaviour to increase …

Conditional cooperation and costly monitoring explain success in forest commons management

D Rustagi, S Engel, M Kosfeld - science, 2010 -
Recent evidence suggests that prosocial behaviors like conditional cooperation and costly
norm enforcement can stabilize large-scale cooperation for commons management …