Absence of barren plateaus in finite local-depth circuits with long-range entanglement
Ground state preparation is classically intractable for general Hamiltonians. On quantum
devices, shallow parametrized circuits can be effectively trained to obtain short-range …
devices, shallow parametrized circuits can be effectively trained to obtain short-range …
Unconventional topological mixed-state transition and critical phase induced by self-dual coherent errors
YH Chen, T Grover - Physical Review B, 2024 - APS
A topological phase can undergo a phase transition driven by anyon condensation. A
potential obstruction to such a mechanism could arise if there exists a symmetry between …
potential obstruction to such a mechanism could arise if there exists a symmetry between …
Exact emergent higher-form symmetries in bosonic lattice models
Although condensed matter systems usually do not have higher-form symmetries, we show
that, unlike 0-form symmetry, higher-form symmetries can emerge as exact symmetries at …
that, unlike 0-form symmetry, higher-form symmetries can emerge as exact symmetries at …
Higgs condensates are symmetry-protected topological phases: I. Discrete symmetries
Where in the landscape of many-body phases of matter do we place the Higgs condensate
of a gauge theory? On the one hand, the Higgs phase is gapped, has no local order …
of a gauge theory? On the one hand, the Higgs phase is gapped, has no local order …
Perturbative Stability and Error-Correction Thresholds of Quantum Codes
Topologically ordered phases are stable to local perturbations, and topological quantum
error-correcting codes enjoy thresholds to local errors. We connect the two notions of …
error-correcting codes enjoy thresholds to local errors. We connect the two notions of …
Machine learning quantum spin liquids with quasiparticle statistics
After decades of progress and effort, obtaining a phase diagram for a strongly correlated
topological system still remains a challenge. Although in principle one could turn to Wilson …
topological system still remains a challenge. Although in principle one could turn to Wilson …
Mean string field theory: Landau-Ginzburg theory for 1-form symmetries
N Iqbal, J McGreevy - SciPost Physics, 2022 - scipost.org
By analogy with the Landau-Ginzburg theory of ordinary zero-form symmetries, we introduce
and develop a Landau-Ginzburg theory of one-form global symmetries, which we call mean …
and develop a Landau-Ginzburg theory of one-form global symmetries, which we call mean …
Measuring Rényi entanglement entropy with high efficiency and precision in quantum Monte Carlo simulations
We develop a nonequilibrium increment method in quantum Monte Carlo simulations to
obtain the Rényi entanglement entropy of various quantum many-body systems with high …
obtain the Rényi entanglement entropy of various quantum many-body systems with high …
Gauging quantum states: from global to local symmetries in many-body systems
We present an operational procedure to transform global symmetries into local symmetries
at the level of individual quantum states, as opposed to typical gauging prescriptions for …
at the level of individual quantum states, as opposed to typical gauging prescriptions for …
Gauge equivariant neural networks for quantum lattice gauge theories
Gauge symmetries play a key role in physics appearing in areas such as quantum field
theories of the fundamental particles and emergent degrees of freedom in quantum …
theories of the fundamental particles and emergent degrees of freedom in quantum …