How does the Internet of Things (IoT) help in microalgae biorefinery?
Microalgae biorefinery is a platform for the conversion of microalgal biomass into a variety of
value-added products, such as biofuels, bio-based chemicals, biomaterials, and bioactive …
value-added products, such as biofuels, bio-based chemicals, biomaterials, and bioactive …
Models of microalgal cultivation for added-value products-A review
Microalgae are considered a promising feedstock for biorefineries given that their chemical
composition–rich in carbohydrate and lipid-can be directed towards the co-production of …
composition–rich in carbohydrate and lipid-can be directed towards the co-production of …
The effect of the internal nutrient quota accumulation on algal-based wastewater treatment: Decoupling HRT and SRT to improve the process
The application of microalgae to wastewater treatment is an emerging technology following
a circular economy approach. The optimization of such a process for large-scale …
a circular economy approach. The optimization of such a process for large-scale …
Dynamical simulation, sensitivity, and productivity analysis of a light-photoacclimation model for microalgae-based carbohydrate production in continuous …
A Guzmán-Palomino, L Aguilera-Vázquez… - Processes, 2023 - mdpi.com
The world's human population is increasing as is the demand for new sustainable sources of
energy. Accordingly, microalgae-based carbohydrates for biofuel production are being …
energy. Accordingly, microalgae-based carbohydrates for biofuel production are being …
Micro-algae productivity optimization using extremum-seeking control
L Dewasme, CGF Letchindjio, IT Zuniga… - … on control and …, 2017 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This study investigates a real-time optimization strategy for micro-algae continuous
processes. The objective is to determine the optimal dilution rate maximizing the biomass …
processes. The objective is to determine the optimal dilution rate maximizing the biomass …
Modelling of microalgal growth and lipid production in Dunaliella tertiolecta using nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium fertilizer medium in sintered disk chromatographic …
A comprehensive mathematical model involving NPK-10: 26: 26 fertilizer, NaCl, NaHCO 3,
light and temperature operating variables for Dunaliella tertiolecta cultivation is formulated to …
light and temperature operating variables for Dunaliella tertiolecta cultivation is formulated to …
Experimental Study of Substrate Limitation and Light Acclimation in Cultures of the Microalgae Scenedesmus obliquus—Parameter Identification and Model …
FA Gorrini, JM Zamudio Lara, SI Biagiola, JL Figueroa… - Processes, 2020 - mdpi.com
In this study, the parameters of a dynamic model of cultures of the microalgae Scenedesmus
obliquus are estimated from datasets collected in batch photobioreactors operated with …
obliquus are estimated from datasets collected in batch photobioreactors operated with …
Robust Luenberger observers for microalgal cultures
The advanced control of microalgal cultures usually requires the knowledge of several
component concentrations, which are however not always measurable on-line. In this …
component concentrations, which are however not always measurable on-line. In this …
[HTML][HTML] Sensitivity, Equilibria, and Lyapunov Stability Analysis in Droop's Nonlinear Differential Equation System for Batch Operation Mode of Microalgae Culture …
A Guzmán-Palomino, L Aguilera-Vázquez… - Mathematics, 2021 - mdpi.com
Microalgae-based biomass has been extensively studied because of its potential to produce
several important biochemicals, such as lipids, proteins, carbohydrates, and pigments, for …
several important biochemicals, such as lipids, proteins, carbohydrates, and pigments, for …
Development and validation of an in situ and real-time quantification method for bicarbonate, carbonate and orthophosphate ions by ATR FT-IR spectroscopy in …
PO Morisset, J Gagnon, R Tremblay, JS Deschênes - Analyst, 2018 - pubs.rsc.org
Bicarbonate salts are used in various industrial processes and could even serve as an
alternative source of carbon in bioprocesses involving photosynthetic organisms. Industrial …
alternative source of carbon in bioprocesses involving photosynthetic organisms. Industrial …