Transparent electronics for wearable electronics application
Recent advancements in wearable electronics offer seamless integration with the human
body for extracting various biophysical and biochemical information for real-time health …
body for extracting various biophysical and biochemical information for real-time health …
[HTML][HTML] Hand rehabilitation devices: A comprehensive systematic review
A cerebrovascular accident, or a stroke, can cause significant neurological damage,
inflicting the patient with loss of motor function in their hands. Standard rehabilitation therapy …
inflicting the patient with loss of motor function in their hands. Standard rehabilitation therapy …
Will your next therapist be a robot?—A review of the advancements in robotic upper extremity rehabilitation
Several recent studies have indicated that upper extremity injuries are classified as a top
common workplace injury. Therefore, upper extremity rehabilitation has become a leading …
common workplace injury. Therefore, upper extremity rehabilitation has become a leading …
Design and experimental characterization of a shoulder-elbow exoskeleton with compliant joints for post-stroke rehabilitation
This paper presents the design and experimental characterization of a 4-degree-of-freedom
shoulder-elbow exoskeleton, NeuroExos Shoulder-elbow Module (NESM), for upper-limb …
shoulder-elbow exoskeleton, NeuroExos Shoulder-elbow Module (NESM), for upper-limb …
Exploring serious games for stroke rehabilitation: a sco** review
Abstract Aims and Objectives Stroke is the main cause of long-term disability and happens
mostly in the older population. Stroke affected patients experience either of the cognitive …
mostly in the older population. Stroke affected patients experience either of the cognitive …
Novel adaptive impedance control for exoskeleton robot for rehabilitation using a nonlinear time-delay disturbance observer
A new adaptive impedance, augmented with backstep** control, time-delay estimation,
and a disturbance observer, was designed to perform passive–assistive rehabilitation …
and a disturbance observer, was designed to perform passive–assistive rehabilitation …
A review: A comprehensive review of soft and rigid wearable rehabilitation and assistive devices with a focus on the shoulder joint
The importance of the human upper limb role in performing daily life and personal activities
is significant. Improper functioning of this organ due to neurological disorders or surgeries …
is significant. Improper functioning of this organ due to neurological disorders or surgeries …
Adaptive tracking control of an exoskeleton robot with uncertain dynamics based on estimated time-delay control
In this paper, we present a backstep** approach integrated with time-delay estimation to
provide an accurate estimation of unknown dynamics and to compensate for external …
provide an accurate estimation of unknown dynamics and to compensate for external …
A lightweight series elastic actuator with variable stiffness: Design, modeling, and evaluation
This article proposes a lightweight variable stiffness actuator (LVSA) driven by a novel
mechanism with four sliders on a shared crank (FS2C). The FS2C mechanism allows the …
mechanism with four sliders on a shared crank (FS2C). The FS2C mechanism allows the …
State-of-the-art robotic devices for wrist rehabilitation: Design and control aspects
Robot-assisted physical therapy of the upper limb is becoming popular among the
rehabilitation community. The wrist is the second most complicated joint in the upper limb …
rehabilitation community. The wrist is the second most complicated joint in the upper limb …