Graph algorithms with neutral atom quantum processors
Neutral atom technology has steadily demonstrated significant theoretical and experimental
advancements, positioning itself as a front-runner platform for running quantum algorithms …
advancements, positioning itself as a front-runner platform for running quantum algorithms …
Hardness of the maximum-independent-set problem on unit-disk graphs and prospects for quantum speedups
Rydberg atom arrays are among the leading contenders for the demonstration of quantum
speedups. Motivated by recent experiments with up to 289 qubits [Ebadi, Science 376, 1209 …
speedups. Motivated by recent experiments with up to 289 qubits [Ebadi, Science 376, 1209 …
Equilibrium dynamics of infinite-range quantum spin glasses in a field
We determine the low-energy spectrum and Parisi replica-symmetry-breaking function for
the spin-glass phase of the quantum Ising model with infinite-range random exchange …
the spin-glass phase of the quantum Ising model with infinite-range random exchange …
Generation of quantum phases of matter and finding a maximum-weight independent set of unit-disk graphs using Rydberg atoms
Recent progress in quantum computing and quantum simulation of many-body systems with
arrays of neutral atoms using Rydberg excitation has provided unforeseen opportunities …
arrays of neutral atoms using Rydberg excitation has provided unforeseen opportunities …
Approximating maximum independent set on Rydberg atom arrays using local detunings
Rydberg atom arrays operated by a quantum adiabatic principle are among the most
promising quantum simulating platforms due to their scalability and long coherence time …
promising quantum simulating platforms due to their scalability and long coherence time …
Learning topological states from randomized measurements using variational tensor network tomography
Learning faithful representations of quantum states is crucial to fully characterizing the
variety of many-body states created on quantum processors. While various tomographic …
variety of many-body states created on quantum processors. While various tomographic …
Quantum quench dynamics as a shortcut to adiabaticity
The ability to efficiently prepare ground states of quantum Hamiltonians via adiabatic
protocols is typically limited by the smallest energy gap encountered during the quantum …
protocols is typically limited by the smallest energy gap encountered during the quantum …
Quantum adiabatic optimization with Rydberg arrays: localization phenomena and encoding strategies
We study the quantum dynamics of the encoding scheme proposed in [Nguyen et al., PRX
Quantum 4, 010316 (2023)], which encodes optimization problems on graphs with arbitrary …
Quantum 4, 010316 (2023)], which encodes optimization problems on graphs with arbitrary …
Quantum Compilation Toolkit for Rydberg Atom Arrays with Implications for Problem Hardness and Quantum Speedups
We propose and implement a comprehensive quantum compilation toolkit for solving the
maximum independent set (MIS) problem on quantum hardware based on Rydberg atom …
maximum independent set (MIS) problem on quantum hardware based on Rydberg atom …
Quantum Hamiltonian Algorithms for Maximum Independent Sets
With qubits encoded into atomic ground and Rydberg states and situated on the vertexes of
a graph, the conditional quantum dynamics of Rydberg blockade, which inhibits …
a graph, the conditional quantum dynamics of Rydberg blockade, which inhibits …