[HTML][HTML] Provenance and sediment dispersal in the Po-Adriatic source-to-sink system unraveled by bulk-sediment geochemistry and its linkage to catchment geology
Abstract The Po-Adriatic region offers an excellent case for reconstructing sediment
provenance and transport pathways of a multi-sourced sediment-routing system. Through a …
provenance and transport pathways of a multi-sourced sediment-routing system. Through a …
[HTML][HTML] The role of nitrogen and phosphorus in eutrophication of the northern Adriatic Sea: history and future scenarios
In the last two decades of the 21st century, a gradual decrease in nitrogen and phosphorus
has been observed along the coastal area of the Northern Adriatic Sea. This depletion is …
has been observed along the coastal area of the Northern Adriatic Sea. This depletion is …
A comparative study of convolutional neural network models for wind field downscaling
We analyze the applicability of convolutional neural network (CNN) architectures for
downscaling of short‐range forecasts of near‐surface winds on extended spatial domains …
downscaling of short‐range forecasts of near‐surface winds on extended spatial domains …
Persian Gulf response to a wintertime shamal wind event
PG Thoppil, PJ Hogan - Deep Sea research part I: Oceanographic research …, 2010 - Elsevier
The results from a∼ 1km resolution HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM), forced by
1/2° Navy Operational Global Atmospheric Prediction System (NOGAPS) atmospheric data …
1/2° Navy Operational Global Atmospheric Prediction System (NOGAPS) atmospheric data …
The Western Adriatic shelf clinoform: energy-limited bottomset
Clinoforms on modern shelves and slopes, as well as in ancient rock records, are widely
recognized as a fundamental building element of continental margin growth. Regardless of …
recognized as a fundamental building element of continental margin growth. Regardless of …
A mean dynamic topography of the Mediterranean Sea computed from altimetric data, in-situ measurements and a general circulation model
In the Mediterranean Sea, where the mean circulation is largely unknown and characterized
by smaller scales and less intensity than in the open ocean, the interpretation of altimetric …
by smaller scales and less intensity than in the open ocean, the interpretation of altimetric …
Development and application of an integrated beach quality index (BQI)
The quality of beaches is a very important factor for attracting tourists. Continuous
improvement of beach quality is an important goal for coastal countries such as Italy, where …
improvement of beach quality is an important goal for coastal countries such as Italy, where …
Wave–current interaction: Effect on the wave field in a semi-enclosed basin
The effect on waves of the Wave–Current Interaction (WCI) process in the semi-enclosed
Gulf of Venice (northern region of the Adriatic Sea) was investigated using the Coupled …
Gulf of Venice (northern region of the Adriatic Sea) was investigated using the Coupled …
On the onset of bora and the formation of rotors and jumps near a mountain gap
A Gohm, GJ Mayr, A Fix, A Giez - Quarterly Journal of the Royal …, 2008 - Wiley Online Library
This study investigates the onset phase of a strong Adriatic bora windstorm that occurred on
4 April 2002. The target area is a gap about 20 km wide embedded in the coastal mountain …
4 April 2002. The target area is a gap about 20 km wide embedded in the coastal mountain …
Particle transport in the Bari canyon (southern Adriatic Sea)
To define the sediment transport pathways along the southern Adriatic shelf and slope, two
oceanographic cruises were carried out in the southern Adriatic, in July 2004 and in March …
oceanographic cruises were carried out in the southern Adriatic, in July 2004 and in March …