Reality-inspired voter models: A mini-review
S Redner - Comptes Rendus. Physique, 2019 - comptes-rendus.academie-sciences …
Cette mini-revue présente des extensions du modèle de l'électeur qui intègrent divers
éléments plausibles des processus réels de prise de décision par des individus. Bien que …
éléments plausibles des processus réels de prise de décision par des individus. Bien que …
A review on the Sznajd model—20 years after
In honor of professor Dietrich Stauffer we review the literature on the Sznajd model, which
probably owes him not only the name and popularity, but perhaps even the fact that it was …
probably owes him not only the name and popularity, but perhaps even the fact that it was …
Opinion dynamics: models, extensions and external effects
Recently, social phenomena have received a lot of attention not only from social scientists,
but also from physicists, mathematicians and computer scientists, in the emerging …
but also from physicists, mathematicians and computer scientists, in the emerging …
[CARTE][B] Sociophysics: an introduction
P Sen, BK Chakrabarti - 2014 - books.google.com
This book discusses the study and analysis of the physical aspects of social systems and
models, inspired by the analogy with familiar models of physical systems and possible …
models, inspired by the analogy with familiar models of physical systems and possible …
Opinion dynamics in social networks: From models to data
Opinions are an integral part of how we perceive the world and each other. They shape
collective action, playing a role in democratic processes, the evolution of norms, and cultural …
collective action, playing a role in democratic processes, the evolution of norms, and cultural …
NDlib: a python library to model and analyze diffusion processes over complex networks
Nowadays the analysis of dynamics of and on networks represents a hot topic in the Social
Network Analysis playground. To support students, teachers, developers and researchers …
Network Analysis playground. To support students, teachers, developers and researchers …
Should we fear the rebound effect in smart homes?
Decreasing the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the residential sector is critical to the
low-carbon transition. Applying information and communication technologies to power …
low-carbon transition. Applying information and communication technologies to power …
Anticonformity or independence?—insights from statistical physics
The aim of this paper is to examine how different types of social influence, introduced on the
microscopic (individual) level, manifest on the macroscopic level, ie in the society. The …
microscopic (individual) level, manifest on the macroscopic level, ie in the society. The …
Effect of algorithmic bias and network structure on coexistence, consensus, and polarization of opinions
Individuals of modern societies share ideas and participate in collective processes within a
pervasive, variable, and mostly hidden ecosystem of content filtering technologies that …
pervasive, variable, and mostly hidden ecosystem of content filtering technologies that …
Phase transitions in the -voter model with two types of stochastic driving
We study a nonlinear q-voter model with stochastic driving on a complete graph. We
investigate two types of stochasticity that, using the language of social sciences, can be …
investigate two types of stochasticity that, using the language of social sciences, can be …