Irreversible entropy production: From classical to quantum
Entropy production is a key quantity in any finite-time thermodynamic process. It is intimately
tied with the fundamental laws of thermodynamics, embodying a tool to extend …
tied with the fundamental laws of thermodynamics, embodying a tool to extend …
The classical-quantum boundary for correlations:<? format?> discord and related measures
One of the best signatures of nonclassicality in a quantum system is the existence of
correlations that have no classical counterpart. Different methods for quantifying the …
correlations that have no classical counterpart. Different methods for quantifying the …
Description of quantum coherence in thermodynamic processes requires constraints beyond free energy
Recent studies have developed fundamental limitations on nanoscale thermodynamics, in
terms of a set of independent free energy relations. Here we show that free energy relations …
terms of a set of independent free energy relations. Here we show that free energy relations …
Quasiprobabilities in quantum thermodynamics and many-body systems
In this tutorial, we present the definition, interpretation, and properties of some of the main
quasiprobabilities that can describe the statistics of measurement outcomes evaluated at …
quasiprobabilities that can describe the statistics of measurement outcomes evaluated at …
Reversing the direction of heat flow using quantum correlations
K Micadei, JPS Peterson, AM Souza… - Nature …, 2019 -
Heat spontaneously flows from hot to cold in standard thermodynamics. However, the latter
theory presupposes the absence of initial correlations between interacting systems. We here …
theory presupposes the absence of initial correlations between interacting systems. We here …
The thermodynamic meaning of negative entropy
Landauer's erasure principle exposes an intrinsic relation between thermodynamics and
information theory: the erasure of information stored in a system, S, requires an amount of …
information theory: the erasure of information stored in a system, S, requires an amount of …
Thermally driven quantum refrigerator autonomously resets a superconducting qubit
Although classical thermal machines power industries and modern living, quantum thermal
engines have yet to prove their utility. Here, we demonstrate a useful quantum absorption …
engines have yet to prove their utility. Here, we demonstrate a useful quantum absorption …
Quantum fluctuation theorems for arbitrary environments: adiabatic and nonadiabatic entropy production
We analyze the production of entropy along nonequilibrium processes in quantum systems
coupled to generic environments. First, we show that the entropy production due to final …
coupled to generic environments. First, we show that the entropy production due to final …
Properties and applications of the Kirkwood–Dirac distribution
There are several mathematical formulations of quantum mechanics. The Schrödinger
picture expresses quantum states in terms of wavefunctions over, eg position or momentum …
picture expresses quantum states in terms of wavefunctions over, eg position or momentum …
Quantum majorization and a complete set of entropic conditions for quantum thermodynamics
What does it mean for one quantum process to be more disordered than another?
Interestingly, this apparently abstract question arises naturally in a wide range of areas such …
Interestingly, this apparently abstract question arises naturally in a wide range of areas such …