Biophysical properties governing septin assembly

BL Woods, I Seim, J Liu, G McLaughlin, KS Cannon… - bioRxiv, 2021 -
Septin filaments build structures such as rings, lattices and gauzes that serve as platforms
for localizing signaling and organizing cell membranes. How cells control the geometry of …

Interface integrity in septin protofilaments is maintained by an arginine residue conserved from yeast to man.

B Grupp, JB Graser, J Seifermann, S Gerhardt… - bioRxiv, 2025 -
The septins are conserved, filament-forming, guanine nucleotide binding cytoskeletal
proteins. They assemble into palindromic protofilaments which polymerize further into higher …

Spatial control of neuronal membrane traffic and mitotic abscission by Septin 9

EP Karasmanis - 2019 -
Neuronal function requires axon-dendrite membrane polarity, which depends on sorting of
membrane traffic during entry into axons. Due to a MT network of mixed polarity, dendrites …

Interaà § ã o nã o canô nica entre septinas: a aná lise da interaà § ã o na interface G entre SEPT3 e septinas do grupo II

P Lanzoni - 2017 -
As septinas compõem o quarto componente do citoesqueleto das cé lulas eucarióticas,
atrá s da actina, miosina e filamentos intermediá rios. Sã o proteÃnas filamentosas que …