[CARTE][B] Deductive software verification-the key book
• There are IDEs for KeY, including an Eclipse extension, that make it easy to keep track of
proof obligations in larger projects [Hentschel et al., 2014c].• A stripped down version of …
proof obligations in larger projects [Hentschel et al., 2014c].• A stripped down version of …
Learning to prove theorems via interacting with proof assistants
Humans prove theorems by relying on substantial high-level reasoning and problem-
specific insights. Proof assistants offer a formalism that resembles human mathematical …
specific insights. Proof assistants offer a formalism that resembles human mathematical …
Trace properties, which have long been used for reasoning about systems, are sets of
execution traces. Hyperproperties, introduced here, are sets of trace properties …
execution traces. Hyperproperties, introduced here, are sets of trace properties …
Secure information flow by self-composition
Information flow policies are confidentiality policies that control information leakage through
program execution. A common way to enforce secure information flow is through information …
program execution. A common way to enforce secure information flow is through information …
[CARTE][B] Secure systems development with UML
J Jürjens - 2005 - books.google.com
Attacks against computer systems can cause considerable economic or physical damage.
High-quality development of security-critical systems is difficult, mainly because of the …
High-quality development of security-critical systems is difficult, mainly because of the …
Securing web application code by static analysis and runtime protection
Security remains a major roadblock to universal acceptance of the Web for many kinds of
transactions, especially since the recent sharp increase in remotely exploitable …
transactions, especially since the recent sharp increase in remotely exploitable …
[CARTE][B] Verification of Object-Oriented Software. The KeY Approach: Foreword by K. Rustan M. Leino
Long gone are the days when program veri? cation was a task carried out merely by hand
with paper and pen. For one, we are increasingly interested in proving actual program …
with paper and pen. For one, we are increasingly interested in proving actual program …
Relational verification using product programs
Relational program logics are formalisms for specifying and verifying properties about two
programs or two runs of the same program. These properties range from correctness of …
programs or two runs of the same program. These properties range from correctness of …
Secure information flow as a safety problem
The termination insensitive secure information flow problem can be reduced to solving a
safety problem via a simple program transformation. Barthe, D'Argenio, and Rezk coined the …
safety problem via a simple program transformation. Barthe, D'Argenio, and Rezk coined the …
Declassification: Dimensions and principles
Computing systems often deliberately release (or declassify) sensitive information. A
principal security concern for systems permitting information release is whether this release …
principal security concern for systems permitting information release is whether this release …