A sensorimotor account of vision and visual consciousness

JK O'regan, A Noë - Behavioral and brain sciences, 2001 - cambridge.org
Many current neurophysiological, psychophysical, and psychological approaches to vision
rest on the idea that when we see, the brain produces an internal representation of the …

[CARTE][B] The neural bases of multisensory processes

MM Murray, MT Wallace - 2011 - taylorfrancis.com
It has become accepted in the neuroscience community that perception and performance
are quintessentially multisensory by nature. Using the full palette of modern brain imaging …

[CARTE][B] Visual perception: Physiology, psychology and ecology

V Bruce, MA Georgeson, PR Green - 2014 - taylorfrancis.com
This comprehensively updated and expanded revision of the successful second edition
continues to provide detailed coverage of the ever-growing range of research topics in …

Optic flow is used to control human walking

WH Warren, BA Kay, WD Zosh, AP Duchon… - Nature …, 2001 - nature.com
How is human locomotion visually controlled? Fifty years ago, it was proposed that we steer
to a goal using optic flow, the pattern of motion at the eye that specifies the direction of …

A two-point visual control model of steering

DD Salvucci, R Gray - Perception, 2004 - journals.sagepub.com
When steering down a winding road, drivers have been shown to use both near and far
regions of the road for guidance during steering. We propose a model of steering that …

Perception of self-motion from visual flow

M Lappe, F Bremmer, AV van den Berg - Trends in cognitive sciences, 1999 - cell.com
Accurate and efficient control of self-motion is an important requirement for our daily
behavior. Visual feedback about self-motion is provided by optic flow. Optic flow can be used …

Visual and nonvisual contributions to three-dimensional heading selectivity in the medial superior temporal area

Y Gu, PV Watkins, DE Angelaki… - Journal of …, 2006 - jneurosci.org
Robust perception of self-motion requires integration of visual motion signals with nonvisual
cues. Neurons in the dorsal subdivision of the medial superior temporal area (MSTd) may be …

Retinal optic flow during natural locomotion

JS Matthis, KS Muller, KL Bonnen… - PLOS Computational …, 2022 - journals.plos.org
We examine the structure of the visual motion projected on the retina during natural
locomotion in real world environments. Bipedal gait generates a complex, rhythmic pattern …

Mechanisms of self-motion perception

KH Britten - Annu. Rev. Neurosci., 2008 - annualreviews.org
Guiding effective movement through the environment is one of the visual system's most
important functions. The pattern of motion that we see allows us to estimate our heading …

Electrical microstimulation of cortical area MST biases heading perception in monkeys

KH Britten, RJA van Wezel - Nature neuroscience, 1998 - nature.com
As we move through the environment, the pattern of visual motion on the retina provides rich
information about our movement through the scene. Human subjects can use this …