Flexible metasurfaces and metamaterials: A review of materials and fabrication processes at micro-and nano-scales
The ability to bend, stretch, and roll metamaterial devices on flexible substrates adds a new
dimension to aspects of manipulating electromagnetic waves and promises a new wave of …
dimension to aspects of manipulating electromagnetic waves and promises a new wave of …
Reconfigurable nanomechanical photonic metamaterials
The changing balance of forces at the nanoscale offers the opportunity to develop a new
generation of spatially reconfigurable nanomembrane metamaterials in which …
generation of spatially reconfigurable nanomembrane metamaterials in which …
Active thermally tunable and highly sensitive terahertz smart windows based on the combination of a metamaterial and phase change material
A thermally tunable terahertz window based on the combination of a metamaterial and the
phase change material VO2 is proposed. The window is composed of two vanadium oxide …
phase change material VO2 is proposed. The window is composed of two vanadium oxide …
Electromagnetically induced transparency control in terahertz metasurfaces based on bright-bright mode coupling
We demonstrate a classical analog of electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) in a
highly flexible planar terahertz metamaterial (MM) comprised of three-gap split-ring …
highly flexible planar terahertz metamaterial (MM) comprised of three-gap split-ring …
An overview of metamaterials and their achievements in wireless power transfer
Metamaterials have been deployed for a wide range of fields including invisible cloak,
superlens, electromagnetic wave absorption and magnetic resonance imaging, owing to …
superlens, electromagnetic wave absorption and magnetic resonance imaging, owing to …
Multispectral terahertz sensing with highly flexible ultrathin metamaterial absorber
We report the simulation, fabrication, and experimental characterization of a multichannel
metamaterial absorber with the aim to be used as a label-free sensing platform in the …
metamaterial absorber with the aim to be used as a label-free sensing platform in the …
[KNJIGA][B] Handbook of terahertz technologies: devices and applications
HJ Song, T Nagatsuma - 2015 - books.google.com
Terahertz waves, which lie in the frequency range of 0.1-10 THz, have long been
investigated in a few limited fields, such as astronomy, because of a lack of devices for their …
investigated in a few limited fields, such as astronomy, because of a lack of devices for their …
Metamaterials for enhanced optical responses and their application to active control of terahertz waves
Metamaterials, artificially constructed structures that mimic lattices in natural materials, have
made numerous contributions to the development of unconventional optical devices. With an …
made numerous contributions to the development of unconventional optical devices. With an …
Soft optical metamaterials
Optical metamaterials consist of artificially engineered structures exhibiting unprecedented
optical properties beyond natural materials. Optical metamaterials offer many novel …
optical properties beyond natural materials. Optical metamaterials offer many novel …
Buckled structures: fabrication and applications in wearable electronics
X Hu, Y Dou, J Li, Z Liu - Small, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Wearable electronics have attracted a tremendous amount of attention due to their many
potential applications, such as personalized health monitoring, motion detection, and smart …
potential applications, such as personalized health monitoring, motion detection, and smart …