[KNJIGA][B] Prehistoric farming in Europe
G Barker - 1985 - books.google.com
Drawing upon his own extensive knowledge of European archaeology, Graeme Barker has
impressively integrated the full range of archaeological data to produce in this book a …
impressively integrated the full range of archaeological data to produce in this book a …
Adults only. Reindeer hunting at the middle palaeolithic site salzgitter lebenstedt, northern Germany
S Gaudzinski, W Roebroeks - Journal of human evolution, 2000 - Elsevier
The Middle Palaeolithic site Salzgitter Lebenstedt (northern Germany), excavated in 1952, is
well known because of its well-preserved faunal remains, dominated by adult reindeer …
well known because of its well-preserved faunal remains, dominated by adult reindeer …
[KNJIGA][B] Prehistoric Europe
T Champion, C Gamble, S Shennan, A Whittle - 2016 - taylorfrancis.com
The study of European prehistory has been revolutionized in recent years by the rapid
growth rate of archeological discovery, advances in dating methods and the application of …
growth rate of archeological discovery, advances in dating methods and the application of …
[KNJIGA][B] L'homme nomade
J Attali - 2003 - books.google.com
L'HOMME NOMADE Dans cette vaste fresque historique et prospective, Jacques Attali
retrace l'histoire de l'humanité comme jamais on ne l'a fait jusqu'à présent. Pour lui, l'homme …
retrace l'histoire de l'humanité comme jamais on ne l'a fait jusqu'à présent. Pour lui, l'homme …
[KNJIGA][B] The prehistory of Denmark
J Jensen - 2003 - taylorfrancis.com
First Published in 2004. This book is both a survey of Danish prehistory and a detailed
presentation of the problems, themes and literature of modern Danish archaeology. It was …
presentation of the problems, themes and literature of modern Danish archaeology. It was …
[KNJIGA][B] Meaning and identity in a Greek landscape
HA Forbes - 2007 - academia.edu
5.2 Barba Thanassis' fragmented landholding 163 6.1 A kalivi (field-house) 185 7.1 A
medieval church. Above: the west end, showing ornamental tile work in masonry. Below: the …
medieval church. Above: the west end, showing ornamental tile work in masonry. Below: the …
[PDF][PDF] Zemedelství starých slovanů
M Beranová - Praha Academia, 1980 - academia.edu
Od 6.-5. tisíciletí př. n. I. bylo zemědělství hlavním zdrojem obživy evropského obyvatelstva.
Také v ži votě našich slovanských předků hrálo zemědělství nejdůležitější roli. Poznání jeho …
Také v ži votě našich slovanských předků hrálo zemědělství nejdůležitější roli. Poznání jeho …
Site exploitation territories and topography: two case studies from Palaeolithic Spain
Several methods of relating on-site and off-site data for develo** and testing hypotheses
about man-environment relationships and prehistoric subsistence economies have been …
about man-environment relationships and prehistoric subsistence economies have been …
Explanatory/predictive models of hunter–gatherer adaptation
RL Bettinger - Advances in archaeological method and theory, 1980 - Elsevier
Publisher Summary This chapter presents an assessment of current research on hunter–
gatherer adaptation. Hunter–gatherer studies are at a critical point in their development. In a …
gatherer adaptation. Hunter–gatherer studies are at a critical point in their development. In a …
Storage, sedentism and the Eurasian Palaeolithic record
O Soffer - Antiquity, 1989 - cambridge.org
What is the connection between storage and sedentism in hunter-gatherer societies? What
is the pattern of ethnography? What other patterns show themselves in Late Palaeolithic …
is the pattern of ethnography? What other patterns show themselves in Late Palaeolithic …