[HTML][HTML] Promoting personalized learning in flipped classrooms: A systematic review study
M Cevikbas, G Kaiser - Sustainability, 2022 - mdpi.com
Flipped classroom (FC) is a widely accepted, innovative pedagogy designated to enhance
students' learning by changing the paradigm of instruction. It has the potential to adapt …
students' learning by changing the paradigm of instruction. It has the potential to adapt …
The effect of the online flipped classroom on self-directed learning readiness and metacognitive awareness in nursing students during the COVID-19 pandemic
S Khodaei, S Hasanvand, M Gholami, Y Mokhayeri… - BMC nursing, 2022 - Springer
Background The COVID-19 pandemic has initiated digital developments in higher education
while closing in-person university classes. As this crisis continues, the need to revive virtual …
while closing in-person university classes. As this crisis continues, the need to revive virtual …
[PDF][PDF] A review of the quality of adaptive learning tools over non-adaptive learning tools
R Alqahtani, N Kaliappen… - International Journal for …, 2021 - researchgate.net
This paper provides a systematic review of the quality of adaptive learning tools over non-
adaptive learning tools. A search using the relevant keywords in Google Scholar yielded 66 …
adaptive learning tools. A search using the relevant keywords in Google Scholar yielded 66 …
Using ensemble learning algorithms to predict student failure and enabling customized educational paths
One of the challenges in e‐learning is the customization of the learning environment to
avoid learners' failures. This paper proposes a Stacked Generalization for Failure Prediction …
avoid learners' failures. This paper proposes a Stacked Generalization for Failure Prediction …
An explanatory sequential mixed-method research on the full-scale implementation of flipped learning in the first years of the world's first fully flipped university …
This study evaluates the first years of the full-scale flipped learning implementation process
that began with an authority innovation-decision at the world's first fully flipped university in …
that began with an authority innovation-decision at the world's first fully flipped university in …
Post-pandemic education strategy: framework for artificial intelligence-empowered education in engineering (AIEd-Eng) for lifelong learning
The unprecedented rate of technological advancements led by the artificial intelligence (AI)
revolution is transforming teaching and learning. The rapidly dynamic specifics and the …
revolution is transforming teaching and learning. The rapidly dynamic specifics and the …
An application of Bayesian inference to examine student retention and attrition in the STEM classroom
R Bertolini, SJ Finch, RH Nehm - Frontiers in Education, 2023 - frontiersin.org
Introduction As artificial intelligence (AI) technology becomes more widespread in the
classroom environment, educators have relied on data-driven machine learning (ML) …
classroom environment, educators have relied on data-driven machine learning (ML) …
Using a summarized lecture material recommendation system to enhance students' preclass preparation in a flipped classroom
Research has revealed the positive effects of flipped classroom approaches on students'
learning engagement and performance compared with conventional lecture-based …
learning engagement and performance compared with conventional lecture-based …
Analysis of self-efficacy and attitude-mediated inclusivity in higher education: A case study on the Colombian North Coast
Inclusivity is a fundamental principle of education worldwide as it fosters the general well-
being of students, educators, and other parties in the education sector. Moreover, inclusive …
being of students, educators, and other parties in the education sector. Moreover, inclusive …
Flipped classroom in online teaching: a high school experience
H Van Tran, H Thanh Le, T Chi Phan… - Interactive Learning …, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Online teaching has long brought benefits and practical advantages for many levels. Along
with the advantages of the flipped classroom (FC), the combination of online teaching in the …
with the advantages of the flipped classroom (FC), the combination of online teaching in the …