Superfluid analogies of cosmological phenomena
GE Volovik - Physics Reports, 2001 - Elsevier
In a modern viewpoint relativistic quantum field theory is an emergent phenomenon arising
in the low-energy corner of the physical fermionic vacuum–the medium, whose nature …
in the low-energy corner of the physical fermionic vacuum–the medium, whose nature …
[КНИГА][B] The universe in a helium droplet
GE Volovik - 2003 - books.google.com
There are fundamental relations between three vast areas of physics: particle physics,
cosmology and condensed matter physics. The fundamental links between the first two …
cosmology and condensed matter physics. The fundamental links between the first two …
Real-time dynamics of single vortex lines and vortex dipoles in a Bose-Einstein condensate
Understanding the behavior of quantized vortices is essential to gaining insight into diverse
superfluid phenomena, from critical-current densities in superconductors to quantum …
superfluid phenomena, from critical-current densities in superconductors to quantum …
Anderson's considerations on the flow of superfluid helium: Some offshoots
E Varoquaux - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2015 - APS
Nearly five decades have elapsed since the seminal 1966 paper of PW Anderson on the
flow of superfluid helium, He 4 at that time. Some of his “considerations”—the role of the …
flow of superfluid helium, He 4 at that time. Some of his “considerations”—the role of the …
Observation of wall-vortex composite defects in a spinor Bose-Einstein condensate
We report the observation of spin domain walls bounded by half-quantum vortices (HQVs) in
a spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensate with antiferromagnetic interactions. A spinor condensate …
a spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensate with antiferromagnetic interactions. A spinor condensate …
Half-quantum vortices and walls bounded by strings in the polar-distorted phases of topological superfluid 3He
Symmetries of the physical world have guided formulation of fundamental laws, including
relativistic quantum field theory and understanding of possible states of matter. Topological …
relativistic quantum field theory and understanding of possible states of matter. Topological …
Kibble-Zurek behavior in one-dimensional disordered topological insulators
The discovery of nonlocal order parameters in real space provides a feasible scheme for
studying dynamical critical behavior in topological systems. We study the critical phenomena …
studying dynamical critical behavior in topological systems. We study the critical phenomena …
Competition of vortex core structures in superfluid
R Rantanen, V Eltsov - Physical Review Research, 2024 - APS
Among vortex structures identified so far in superfluid He 3-B, the most common are the A-
phase-core and double-core vortices. According to earlier numerical calculations, the …
phase-core and double-core vortices. According to earlier numerical calculations, the …
Formation of topological defects in gauge field theories
A Rajantie - International Journal of Modern Physics A, 2002 - World Scientific
When a symmetry gets spontaneously broken in a phase transition, topological defects are
typically formed. The theoretical picture of how this happens in a breakdown of a global …
typically formed. The theoretical picture of how this happens in a breakdown of a global …
Vortex-bound solitons in topological superfluid 3He
The different superfluid phases of 3 He are described by p-wave order parameters that
include anisotropy axes both in the orbital and spin spaces. The anisotropy axes …
include anisotropy axes both in the orbital and spin spaces. The anisotropy axes …