Generation and characterization of ultrabroadband polarization–frequency hyperentangled photons
We generate ultrabroadband photon pairs entangled in both polarization and frequency bins
through an all-waveguided Sagnac source covering the entire optical C-and L-bands (1530 …
through an all-waveguided Sagnac source covering the entire optical C-and L-bands (1530 …
CMOS photonic integrated source of broadband polarization-entangled photons
We showcase a fully on-chip CMOS-fabricated silicon photonic integrated circuit employing
a bidirectionally pumped microring and polarization splitter-rotators tailored for the …
a bidirectionally pumped microring and polarization splitter-rotators tailored for the …
Entanglement-based quantum digital signatures over a deployed campus network
The quantum digital signature protocol offers a replacement for most aspects of public-key
digital signatures ubiquitous in today's digital world. A major advantage of a quantum-digital …
digital signatures ubiquitous in today's digital world. A major advantage of a quantum-digital …
High-rate multiplexed entanglement source based on time-bin qubits for advanced quantum networks
Entanglement distribution based on time-bin qubits is an attractive option for emerging
quantum networks. We demonstrate a 4.09-GHz repetition rate source of photon pairs …
quantum networks. We demonstrate a 4.09-GHz repetition rate source of photon pairs …
Building a controlled-NOT gate between polarization and frequency
By harnessing multiple degrees of freedom (DoFs) within a single photon, controlled
quantum unitaries, such as the two-qubit controlled-NOT (cnot) gate, play a pivotal role in …
quantum unitaries, such as the two-qubit controlled-NOT (cnot) gate, play a pivotal role in …
On-chip frequency-bin quantum photonics
Frequency-bin encoding furnishes a compelling pathway for quantum information
processing systems compatible with established lightwave infrastructures based on fiber …
processing systems compatible with established lightwave infrastructures based on fiber …
Resilient entanglement distribution in a multihop quantum network
The evolution of quantum networking requires architectures capable of dynamically
reconfigurable entanglement distribution to meet diverse user needs and ensure tolerance …
reconfigurable entanglement distribution to meet diverse user needs and ensure tolerance …
Deployed quantum link characterization via bayesian ancilla-assisted process tomography
A Rahman, NI Wasserbeck, Z Goisman… - arxiv preprint arxiv …, 2024 - arxiv.org
The development of large-scale quantum networks requires reliable quantum channels, the
quality of which can be quantified by the framework of quantum process tomography. In this …
quality of which can be quantified by the framework of quantum process tomography. In this …
Procrustean entanglement concentration in quantum-classical networking
The success of a future quantum internet will rest in part on the ability of quantum and
classical signals to coexist in the same optical fiber infrastructure, a challenging endeavor …
classical signals to coexist in the same optical fiber infrastructure, a challenging endeavor …
Single-pass generation of widely-tunable frequency-domain entangled photon pairs
M Hojo, K Tanaka - Optics Express, 2024 - opg.optica.org
We demonstrate a technique that generates frequency-entangled photon pairs with strong
polarization correlation by using a single-period nonlinear crystal and single pass …
polarization correlation by using a single-period nonlinear crystal and single pass …