[HTML][HTML] Fungi–nematode interactions: Diversity, ecology, and biocontrol prospects in agriculture
Y Zhang, S Li, H Li, R Wang, KQ Zhang, J Xu - Journal of Fungi, 2020 - mdpi.com
Fungi and nematodes are among the most abundant organisms in soil habitats. They
provide essential ecosystem services and play crucial roles for maintaining the stability of …
provide essential ecosystem services and play crucial roles for maintaining the stability of …
Plants and associated soil microbiota cooperatively suppress plant-parasitic nematodes
Disease suppressive soils with specific suppression of soil-borne pathogens and parasites
have been long studied and are most often of microbiological origin. As for the plant …
have been long studied and are most often of microbiological origin. As for the plant …
[HTML][HTML] Microbial consortia for plant protection against diseases: more than the sum of its parts
Biological plant protection presents a promising and exciting alternative to chemical
methods for safeguarding plants against the increasing threats posed by plant diseases …
methods for safeguarding plants against the increasing threats posed by plant diseases …
Impacts of root metabolites on soil nematodes
Plant parasitic nematodes cause significant crop damage globally. Currently, many
nematicides have been banned or are being phased out in Europe and other parts of the …
nematicides have been banned or are being phased out in Europe and other parts of the …
Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria Burkholderia vietnamiensis B418 inhibits root-knot nematode on watermelon by modifying the rhizosphere microbial community
M Liu, J Philp, Y Wang, J Hu, Y Wei, J Li, M Ryder… - Scientific Reports, 2022 - nature.com
Burkholderia vietnamiensis B418 is a multifunctional plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria
(PGPR) strain with nitrogen-fixing and phosphate-solubilizing capability which can be …
(PGPR) strain with nitrogen-fixing and phosphate-solubilizing capability which can be …
Microbiota and functional analyses of nitrogen-fixing bacteria in root-knot nematode parasitism of plants
Y Li, S Lei, Z Cheng, L **, T Zhang, LM Liang… - Microbiome, 2023 - Springer
Background Root-knot nematodes (RKN) are among the most important root-damaging
plant-parasitic nematodes, causing severe crop losses worldwide. The plant rhizosphere …
plant-parasitic nematodes, causing severe crop losses worldwide. The plant rhizosphere …
Exploring yeast‐based microbial interactions: the next frontier in postharvest biocontrol
Fresh fruits and vegetables are susceptible to a large variety of spoilage agents before and
after harvest. Among these, fungi are mostly responsible for the microbiological …
after harvest. Among these, fungi are mostly responsible for the microbiological …
Understanding the dynamic interactions of root-knot nematodes and their host: role of plant growth promoting bacteria and abiotic factors
Root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp., RKN) are among the most destructive
endoparasitic nematodes worldwide, often leading to a reduction of crop growth and yield …
endoparasitic nematodes worldwide, often leading to a reduction of crop growth and yield …
Organic practices intensify the microbiome assembly and suppress root-knot nematodes
Roots can recruit beneficial microorganisms to suppress plant pathogens. However,
conventional and organic practices differently shape the soil microbiome and consequently …
conventional and organic practices differently shape the soil microbiome and consequently …
Bacteria isolated from the cuticle of plant-parasitic nematodes attached to and antagonized the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne hapla
Plant-parasitic nematodes are associated with specifically attached soil bacteria. To
investigate these bacteria, we employed culture-dependent methods to isolate a …
investigate these bacteria, we employed culture-dependent methods to isolate a …