User interface for displaying selectable software functionality controls that are contextually relevant to a selected object

R Radtke, AM Butcher, JM Harris, CR Morrow… - US Patent …, 2012 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT Related US Application Data An improved user interface is provided for
displaying select (60) Provisional application No. 60/601,815, filed on Aug. able functionality …

Floating command object

R Radtke, JC Satterfield, JM Harris, MA Peters… - US Patent …, 2011 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A floating command object is provided for offering a set of commonly or
frequently used commands in close proximity to a selected text, data or other object in a …

Previewing a new event on a small screen device

GD Klassen, CA Dunk, CR Wormald - US Patent 8,209,634, 2012 - Google Patents
Provisional application No. 60/525,958, filed on Dec.(57) 1, 2003. Method and apparatus for
previewing new events in a com puting device having a plurality of applications for …

User interface for providing task management and calendar information

RH Leukart, GL Frankel, SD Jensen… - US Patent …, 2010 - Google Patents
2004/O107. 197 A1 6, 2004 Shen et al... 707/9 EP 1672 518 6, 2001 2004/0109025 A1
6/2004 Hullot et al.......... 715/764 EP 1 223503 T 2002 2004/0109033 A1 6/2004 Vienneau …

Threaded presentation of electronic mail

S Forstall, G Christie, SO Lemay - US Patent 7,421,690, 2008 - Google Patents
The present invention satisfies the foregoing need by pro viding a threaded list of messages
in a user's mailbox. Each message received is checked to determine whether the new …

Conversation grou** of electronic mail records

JH Durazo, JM Harris, JC Satterfield… - US Patent …, 2010 - Google Patents
(51) Int. Cl. G06F 3/00(2006.01) Improved conversation grou** methods and systems are
GO6F 15/16(2006.01) provided for electronic mail records. Electronic mail mes (52) US Cl …

User interface for displaying selectable software functionality controls that are relevant to a selected object

JC Satterfield, AM Butcher, DA Morton… - US Patent …, 2010 - Google Patents
An improved user interface is provided for displaying select able software functionality
controls that are relevant to a selected object and that remain visibly available for use While …

Intelligent map results related to a character stream

L Mehanna, S Hasan, H Vandermolen… - US Patent …, 2014 - Google Patents
Information may be presented to a user by using a? rst appli cation to receive a character
stream of one or more non completion characters. The noncompletion characters indi cate …

User interface for providing task management and calendar information

RH Leukart, GL Frankel, SD Jensen… - US Patent …, 2014 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT An electronic “To-Do'bar is provided in which displayed upcoming tasks,
meetings, appointments and the like. The electronic To-Do bar is displayed in a lightweight …

Buddy list filtering

B Heikes, D Gang - US Patent App. 11/013,312, 2006 - Google Patents
Online service providers offer new services and upgrade existing services to enhance a
user's online experience. Users have on-demand access to news, weather, financial, sports …