'Killing a mosquito with a hammer': Al-Shabaab violence and state security responses in Kenya

J Lind, P Mutahi, M Oosterom - Peacebuilding, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
Networked, transnational forms of violence pose a significant threat to peace and security in
a number of sub-Saharan African countries. In recent years, Kenya has witnessed an …

Tangled ties: Al-Shabaab and political volatility in Kenya

J Lind, P Mutahi, M Oosterom - 2015 - opendocs.ids.ac.uk
In recent years, a spate of attacks has destabilised a swathe of Kenya's peripheral counties
as well as bringing terror to its capital, Nairobi. As violent insecurity spreads, it has fomented …

Órdenes crimilegales: repensando el poder político del crimen organizado

M Schultze-Kraft - Íconos: Revista de Ciencias Sociales, 2016 - dialnet.unirioja.es
Resumen1 A pesar de su relevancia para entender el cambio político y la inestabilidad en
muchas partes del sur global, la relación entre el crimen organizado y los órdenes políticos …

[КНИГА][B] Guatemala: fronteras y mercados ilegales en la era de la globalización

B Zepeda, M González-Izás, CRLE Schlotter - 2018 - biblio.flacsoandes.edu.ec
Caracterización de la frontera de Guatemala con México 140 La zona fronteriza entre
Guatemala y México: una mirada desde sus indicadores sociodemográficos 143 La …

Building inclusive peace and security in times of unequal development and rising violence

R Luckham - Peacebuilding, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
This paper situates the challenges of building peace and security within the historical
legacies of unequal development, militarism and global violence. It identifies the spaces for …

Toward effective violence mitigation: transforming political settlements

M Schultze-Kraft, S Hinkle - 2014 - opendocs.ids.ac.uk
Recognising the centrality of violence in the development process (though not subscribing to
the notion that conflict and violence are development in reverse), in 2012–14 a group of …

Crimillegal Orders: Revisiting Organized Crime's Political Power

M Schultze-Kraft - Íconos-Revista de Ciencias Sociales, 2016 - ojs.freddyguerrero.com
A pesar de su relevancia para entender el cambio político y la inestabilidad en muchas
partes del sur global, la relación entre el crimen organizado y los órdenes políticos sigue sin …

External Stresses in West Africa: Cross-border Violence and Cocaine Trafficking

J Collodi - 2014 - opendocs.ids.ac.uk
The 2011 World Development Report on conflict, security and development highlights the
centrality of 'external stresses' for generating insecurity and increasing the risk of violence in …

Crimilegal Orders, Governance and Armed

M Schultze-Kraft - Springer
“It has become increasingly difficult to determine where legitimate politics ends and violent
criminality begins. Markus Schultze-Kraft's impressive new book on crimilegal orders …