The landscape of lysogeny across microbial community density, diversity and energetics
Lysogens are common at high bacterial densities, an observation that contrasts with the
prevailing view of lysogeny as a low‐density refugium strategy. Here, we review the …
prevailing view of lysogeny as a low‐density refugium strategy. Here, we review the …
Neutral theory and plankton biodiversity
The biodiversity of the plankton has been interpreted largely through the monocle of
competition. The spatial distancing of phytoplankton in nature is so large that cell boundary …
competition. The spatial distancing of phytoplankton in nature is so large that cell boundary …
[کتاب][B] Algae: anatomy, biochemistry, and biotechnology
L Barsanti, P Gualtieri - 2022 -
A single-source reference on the biology of algae, the third edition of Algae: Anatomy,
Biochemistry, and Biotechnology examines the most important taxa and structures for …
Biochemistry, and Biotechnology examines the most important taxa and structures for …
Visualizing active viral infection reveals diverse cell fates in synchronized algal bloom demise
Marine viruses are the most abundant biological entity in the ocean and are considered as
major evolutionary drivers of microbial life [CA Suttle, Nat. Rev. Microbiol. 5, 801–812 …
major evolutionary drivers of microbial life [CA Suttle, Nat. Rev. Microbiol. 5, 801–812 …
Towards an integrative view of virus phenotypes
Understanding how phenotypes emerge from genotypes is a foundational goal in biology.
As challenging as this task is when considering cellular life, it is further complicated in the …
As challenging as this task is when considering cellular life, it is further complicated in the …
Filamentous virus-like particles are present in coral dinoflagellates across genera and ocean basins
Filamentous viruses are hypothesized to play a role in stony coral tissue loss disease
(SCTLD) through infection of the endosymbiotic dinoflagellates (Family Symbiodiniaceae) of …
(SCTLD) through infection of the endosymbiotic dinoflagellates (Family Symbiodiniaceae) of …
Viruses of a key coral symbiont exhibit temperature-driven productivity across a reefscape
Viruses can affect coral health by infecting their symbiotic dinoflagellate partners
(Symbiodiniaceae). Yet, viral dynamics in coral colonies exposed to environmental stress …
(Symbiodiniaceae). Yet, viral dynamics in coral colonies exposed to environmental stress …
Adsorptive exchange of coccolith biominerals facilitates viral infection
Marine coccolithophores are globally distributed, unicellular phytoplankton that produce
nanopatterned, calcite biominerals (coccoliths). These biominerals are synthesized …
nanopatterned, calcite biominerals (coccoliths). These biominerals are synthesized …
Active viral infection during blooms of a dinoflagellate indicates dinoflagellate-viral co-adaptation
Viruses are generally believed to cause cell mortality and terminate algal blooms. However,
how the dinoflagellate-virus interaction shapes the dynamics of host dinoflagellate blooms …
how the dinoflagellate-virus interaction shapes the dynamics of host dinoflagellate blooms …
Marine phytoplankton downregulate core photosynthesis and carbon storage genes upon rapid mixed layer shallowing
Marine phytoplankton are a diverse group of photoautotrophic organisms and key mediators
in the global carbon cycle. Phytoplankton physiology and biomass accumulation are closely …
in the global carbon cycle. Phytoplankton physiology and biomass accumulation are closely …