Reforming corporate governance: redirecting the European agenda

E Bergloöf - Economic Policy, 1997 -
Boardrooms Reforming corporate governance in Europe Corporate governance reform is in
the air. This article warns against partial and hastily conceived interventions in complex and …

[КНИГА][B] Dividend policy and corporate governance

LC Da Silva, M Goergen, L Renneboog - 2004 -
Dividends are not only a signal about a firm's prospects under asymmetric information, but
they can also act as a corporate governance device to align the management's interests with …

[КНИГА][B] Handbook of international banking

E Elgar - 2003 -
The Handbook of International Banking provides a clearly accessible source of reference
material, covering the main developments that reveal how the internationalization and …

[КНИГА][B] Financial structure and monetary transmission in Europe: A cross-country study

GJ De Bondt - 2000 -
'I can fully recommend this book to those interested in the transmission process of monetary
policy.'-Harry Garretsen, De Economist Due to financial market imperfections it is imperative …

[КНИГА][B] Corporate Governance: Strategische Marktrisiken, Controlling, Überwachung

K Paetzmann - 2008 -
Vor dem Hintergrund spektakulärer Unternehmenskrisen werden seit den 1990er Jahren
weltweit Standards einer Corporate Governance zur Verbesserung von …

[PDF][PDF] China's financial reform: Achievements and challenges

B Naughton - 1998 -
The Asian currency crises of autumn 1997 inevitably lead to heightened scrutiny of China's
financial system and reform. The economy of China and the economies of southeast Asia …

[КНИГА][B] Law, institutions and Malaysian economic development

JK Sundaram, SN Wong - 2008 -
This pioneering volume develops an institutionalist analysis of Malaysia's post-colonial
economy by exploring the political economy of development and particularly the interface …

[КНИГА][B] The effects of hyper-inflation on accounting ratios: financing corporate growth in industrial economies

G Whittington, V Saporta, A Singh - 1997 -
World Bank Technical Paper No. 370. Local land users and officials often have conflicting
perceptions of and responses to land degradation issues. This causes problems for officials …

The City and corporate performance: condemned or exonerated?

C Mayer - Cambridge Journal of Economics, 1997 -
This paper summarises the conventional wisdoms concerning differences between financial
systems. It argues that many of them do not stand up to close scrutiny. Instead, it suggests …

Convergence of European financial systems: banks or equity markets?

V Murinde, J Agung, A Mullineux - … : Regional and Policy Issues at the Turn …, 1999 - Springer
Recent literature draws a distinction between Anglo-Saxon (capital market oriented)
financial systems, as represented by the UK, and Continental (banking oriented) financial …