Design of symmetric-key primitives for advanced cryptographic protocols
While traditional symmetric algorithms like AES and SHA-3 are optimized for efficient
hardware and software implementations, a range of emerging applications using advanced …
hardware and software implementations, a range of emerging applications using advanced …
[KNYGA][B] Understanding cryptography
This is the second edition of Understanding Cryptography. Ever since we released the first
edition in 2009, we have been humbled by the many positive responses we received from …
edition in 2009, we have been humbled by the many positive responses we received from …
[KNYGA][B] The design of Rijndael
Joan Daemen Vincent Rijmen The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Second Edition
Page 1 Information Security and Cryptography Joan Daemen Vincent Rijmen The Design of …
Page 1 Information Security and Cryptography Joan Daemen Vincent Rijmen The Design of …
[KNYGA][B] Introduction to modern cryptography: principles and protocols
Cryptography plays a key role in ensuring the privacy and integrity of data and the security of
computer networks. Introduction to Modern Cryptography provides a rigorous yet accessible …
computer networks. Introduction to Modern Cryptography provides a rigorous yet accessible …
[KNYGA][B] Cryptography: theory and practice
DR Stinson - 2005 -
THE LEGACYFirst introduced in 1995, Cryptography: Theory and Practice garnered
enormous praise and popularity, and soon became the standard textbook for cryptography …
enormous praise and popularity, and soon became the standard textbook for cryptography …
[KNYGA][B] The block cipher companion
LR Knudsen, M Robshaw - 2011 -
Block ciphers encrypt blocks of plaintext, messages, into blocks of ciphertext under the
action of a secret key, and the process of encryption is reversed by decryption which uses …
action of a secret key, and the process of encryption is reversed by decryption which uses …
Shorter signatures based on tailor-made minimalist symmetric-key crypto
Signature schemes based on the MPC-in-the-head approach (MPCitH) have either been
designed by taking a proof system and selecting a suitable symmetric-key primitive (Picnic …
designed by taking a proof system and selecting a suitable symmetric-key primitive (Picnic …
[PDF][PDF] Literature review of security issues in saas for public cloud computing: a meta-analysis
Cloud computing is a rapidly growing technology due to its highly flexible uses and
applications. It also has other features such as simplicity, quick data access and reduced …
applications. It also has other features such as simplicity, quick data access and reduced …
Detection of jamming attacks for the physical-layer authentication
This paper concerns the problem of defending against the jamming attack for the Physical-
Layer Authentication (PLA). The problem is important due to the fact that jamming attacks …
Layer Authentication (PLA). The problem is important due to the fact that jamming attacks …
Algebraic techniques in differential cryptanalysis
In this paper we propose a new cryptanalytic method against block ciphers, which combines
both algebraic and statistical techniques. More specifically, we show how to use algebraic …
both algebraic and statistical techniques. More specifically, we show how to use algebraic …