Problems on group-labeled matroid bases
Consider a matroid equipped with a labeling of its ground set to an abelian group. We define
the label of a subset of the ground set as the sum of the labels of its elements. We study a …
the label of a subset of the ground set as the sum of the labels of its elements. We study a …
Survey of Results on the ModPath and ModCycle Problems
A Amarilli - arxiv preprint arxiv:2409.00770, 2024 - arxiv.org
This note summarizes the state of what is known about the tractability of the problem
ModPath, which asks if an input undirected graph contains a simple st-path whose length …
ModPath, which asks if an input undirected graph contains a simple st-path whose length …
The complexity of regular trail and simple path queries on undirected graphs
W Martens, T Popp - Proceedings of the 41st ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT …, 2022 - dl.acm.org
We study the data complexity of regular trail and simple path queries on undirected graphs.
Using techniques from structural graph theory, ranging from the graph minor theorem to …
Using techniques from structural graph theory, ranging from the graph minor theorem to …
Towards the Proximity Conjecture on Group-Labeled Matroids
Consider a matroid $ M $ whose ground set is equipped with a labeling to an abelian group.
A basis of $ M $ is called $ F $-avoiding if the sum of the labels of its elements is not in a …
A basis of $ M $ is called $ F $-avoiding if the sum of the labels of its elements is not in a …
Finding a shortest non-zero path in group-labeled graphs
We study a constrained shortest path problem in group-labeled graphs with nonnegative
edge length, called the shortest non-zero path problem. Depending on the group in …
edge length, called the shortest non-zero path problem. Depending on the group in …
A strongly polynomial algorithm for finding a shortest non-zero path in group-labeled graphs
Y Yamaguchi - Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual ACM-SIAM …, 2020 - SIAM
We study a constrained shortest path problem in group-labeled graphs with nonnegative
edge length, called the shortest non-zero path problem. Depending on the group in …
edge length, called the shortest non-zero path problem. Depending on the group in …
[PDF][PDF] 群ラベル付きグラフにおける組合せ最適化
山口勇太郎 - … リサーチ= Communications of the Operations Research …, 2021 - orsj.org
グラフにおける組合せ最適化は, アルゴリズムの理論に関する中心的な話題として, 20
世紀半ばから盛んに研究されてきた. 群ラベル付きグラフは, ネットワーク構造における偶奇性や …
世紀半ばから盛んに研究されてきた. 群ラベル付きグラフは, ネットワーク構造における偶奇性や …