Requirements engineering in cooperative systems

JL Garrido, M Gea, ML Rodríguez - Requirements Engineering for …, 2005 -
Technology is increasing the possibilities for working in groups and even changing the way
in which traditionally this has been performed. This chapter reviews models and techniques …

[PDF][PDF] Adaptivity in e-learning

F Kareal, J Klema - Current Developments in Technology-Assisted …, 2006 -
The general purpose of educational platforms is to provide students with information as well
as with practical opportunities in order to help learners to acquire certain skills and to …

Collective usability

L Lyons, A Mallavarapu - Educational Technology & Society, 2021 - JSTOR
In this paper we define the concept of collective usability, a complex systems perspective on
usability that positions an entire group, not an individual, as the unit of analysis. Shared XR …

A coloured petri net formalisation for a UML-based notation applied to cooperative system modelling

JL Garrido, M Gea - International Workshop on Design, Specification, and …, 2002 - Springer
New approaches are currently being adopted to address the development of cooperative
systems, although not many standards exist that can be used to develop this type of …

An architecture for access control management in collaborative enterprise systems based on organization models

FLG Vela, JLI Montes, PP Rodríguez… - Science of Computer …, 2007 - Elsevier
One of the most important characteristics of current enterprise systems is the existence of
collaborative processes where different users/subsystems communicate and cooperate in …

[PDF][PDF] AMENITIES: Metodología de modelado de sistemas cooperativos

M Gea, F Gutiérrez, J Garrido… - … a la gestión y difusión del …, 2002 -
El trabajo en grupo es una actividad humana fundamental y los entornos colaborativos
facilitan este proceso. Un aspecto crucial para su estudio y diseño es el uso de técnicas …

[PDF][PDF] Teorías y Modelos Conceptuales para un Diseño basado en Grupos

M Gea, FL Gutiérrez, JL Garrido… - … de Interacción Persona …, 2003 -
Los avances tecnológicos están provocando un cambio en el comportamiento social,
avanzando hacia modelos de trabajo de computación ubicua y basado en grupo y …

Supporting social organization modelling in cooperative work using patterns

JLI Montes, FLG Vela, MG Megías - International Conference on Computer …, 2005 - Springer
A key aspect for the development of CSCW systems is the previous study of the social
organization of the members that participate in the collaborative process. Organizations …

Leveraging the Linda coordination model for a groupware architecture implementation

JL Garrido, M Noguera, M González, M Gea… - … , and Use: 12th …, 2006 - Springer
Functional and non-functional requirements must be taken into account early in the
development process of groupware applications in order to make appropriate design …

[PDF][PDF] Descripción de Patrones de Organización y su Modelado con AMENITIES

J Isla, F Gutiérrez, M Gea, J Garrido - Proceedings 4ª Jornadas …, 2004 -
Actualmente los sistemas de información operan bajo contextos complejos y dinámicos, lo
que a menudo provoca cambios en la estructura organizativa de sus usuarios. La …