Anomalous diffusion: A basic mechanism for the evolution of inhomogeneous systems

FA Oliveira, RMS Ferreira, LC Lapas… - Frontiers in …, 2019 -
In this article we review classical and recent results in anomalous diffusion and provide
mechanisms useful for the study of the fundamentals of certain processes, mainly in …

Schrödinger symmetry: a historical review

C Duval, M Henkel, PA Horvathy, S Rouhani… - International Journal of …, 2024 - Springer
This paper reviews the history of the conformal extension of Galilean symmetry, now called
Schrödinger symmetry. In the physics literature, its discovery is commonly attributed to …

Evidence for geometry-dependent universal fluctuations of the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang interfaces in liquid-crystal turbulence

KA Takeuchi, M Sano - Journal of Statistical Physics, 2012 - Springer
We provide a comprehensive report on scale-invariant fluctuations of growing interfaces in
liquid-crystal turbulence, for which we recently found evidence that they belong to the Kardar …

Universal correlators and distributions as experimental signatures of 2+ 1 Kardar-Parisi-Zhang growth

T Halpin-Healy, G Palasantzas - arxiv preprint arxiv:1403.7509, 2014 -
We examine height-height correlations in the transient growth regime of the 2+ 1 Kardar-
Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) universality class, with a particular focus on the {\it spatial covariance} of …

Phase transitions and scaling in systems far from equilibrium

UC Täuber - Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics, 2017 -
Scaling ideas and renormalization group approaches proved crucial for a deep
understanding and classification of critical phenomena in thermal equilibrium. Over the past …

Effect of the Magnus force on skyrmion relaxation dynamics

BL Brown, UC Täuber, M Pleimling - Physical Review B, 2018 - APS
We perform systematic Langevin molecular dynamics simulations of interacting skyrmions in
thin films. The interplay between the Magnus force, the repulsive skyrmion-skyrmion …

Aging in the long-range Ising model

H Christiansen, S Majumder, M Henkel, W Janke - Physical Review Letters, 2020 - APS
The current understanding of aging phenomena is mainly confined to the study of systems
with short-ranged interactions. Little is known about the aging of long-ranged systems. Here …

KPZ fluctuations in finite volume

S Prolhac - SciPost Physics Lecture Notes, 2024 -
These lecture notes, adapted from the habilitation thesis of the author, survey in a first part
various exact results obtained in the past few decades about KPZ fluctuations in one …

Memory and universality in interface growth

J De Nardis, P Le Doussal, KA Takeuchi - Physical review letters, 2017 - APS
Recently, very robust universal properties have been shown to arise in one-dimensional
growth processes with local stochastic rules, leading to the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) …

Field-theoretic thermodynamic uncertainty relation: General formulation exemplified with the Kardar–Parisi–Zhang equation

O Niggemann, U Seifert - Journal of Statistical Physics, 2020 - Springer
We propose a field-theoretic thermodynamic uncertainty relation as an extension of the one
derived so far for a Markovian dynamics on a discrete set of states and for overdamped …