Advancing 3D point cloud understanding through deep transfer learning: A comprehensive survey
The 3D point cloud (3DPC) has significantly evolved and benefited from the advance of
deep learning (DL). However, the latter faces various issues, including the lack of data or …
deep learning (DL). However, the latter faces various issues, including the lack of data or …
A survey of attacks on large vision-language models: Resources, advances, and future trends
With the significant development of large models in recent years, Large Vision-Language
Models (LVLMs) have demonstrated remarkable capabilities across a wide range of …
Models (LVLMs) have demonstrated remarkable capabilities across a wide range of …
Towards effective adversarial textured 3d meshes on physical face recognition
Face recognition is a prevailing authentication solution in numerous biometric applications.
Physical adversarial attacks, as an important surrogate, can identify the weaknesses of face …
Physical adversarial attacks, as an important surrogate, can identify the weaknesses of face …
Density-insensitive unsupervised domain adaption on 3d object detection
Abstract 3D object detection from point clouds is crucial in safety-critical autonomous driving.
Although many works have made great efforts and achieved significant progress on this …
Although many works have made great efforts and achieved significant progress on this …
Isometric 3d adversarial examples in the physical world
Recently, several attempts have demonstrated that 3D deep learning models are as
vulnerable to adversarial example attacks as 2D models. However, these methods are still …
vulnerable to adversarial example attacks as 2D models. However, these methods are still …
You Are Catching My Attention: Are Vision Transformers Bad Learners under Backdoor Attacks?
Abstract Vision Transformers (ViTs), which made a splash in the field of computer vision
(CV), have shaken the dominance of convolutional neural networks (CNNs). However, in the …
(CV), have shaken the dominance of convolutional neural networks (CNNs). However, in the …
A comprehensive study of the robustness for lidar-based 3d object detectors against adversarial attacks
Recent years have witnessed significant advancements in deep learning-based 3D object
detection, leading to its widespread adoption in numerous applications. As 3D object …
detection, leading to its widespread adoption in numerous applications. As 3D object …
Deep manifold attack on point clouds via parameter plane stretching
Adversarial attack on point clouds plays a vital role in evaluating and improving the
adversarial robustness of 3D deep learning models. Current attack methods are mainly …
adversarial robustness of 3D deep learning models. Current attack methods are mainly …
A survey of robustness and safety of 2d and 3d deep learning models against adversarial attacks
Benefiting from the rapid development of deep learning, 2D and 3D computer vision
applications are deployed in many safe-critical systems, such as autopilot and identity …
applications are deployed in many safe-critical systems, such as autopilot and identity …
Rethinking perturbation directions for imperceptible adversarial attacks on point clouds
Adversarial attacks have been successfully extended to the field of point clouds. Besides
applying the common perturbation guided by the gradient, adversarial attacks on point …
applying the common perturbation guided by the gradient, adversarial attacks on point …