A sco** review of the contributions of farmers' organizations to smallholder agriculture

L Bizikova, E Nkonya, M Minah, M Hanisch… - Nature Food, 2020 - nature.com
Abstract Farmers' organizations (FOs), such as associations, cooperatives, self-help and
women's groups, are common in develo** countries and provide services that are widely …

The Status of Collective Action among Rural Households in Underdeveloped Regions of China and Its Livelihood Effects under the Background of Rural Revitalization …

X He, Y Wu, J Wei - Sustainability (2071-1050), 2024 - search.ebscohost.com
Enhancing collective action among rural households is crucial for promoting rural
revitalization and improving livelihoods in underdeveloped areas. Taking Shanxi Province …

Agricultural cooperative marketing and credit policy reform in Uganda: An opportunity for poverty reduction

F Onyilo, A Adong - African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and …, 2019 - ajol.info
Academics and development practitioners increasingly view cooperatives as the
cornerstone for agricultural transformation and poverty reduction in sub-Saharan Africa …

[PDF][PDF] Socio-economic benefits of agricultural marketing co-operatives and their challenges: Evidence from Selected Cases in Moshi District Council (Tanzania)

P Anania, GC Rwekaza, JM Bamanyisa - Ager. Revista de Estudios …, 2020 - redalyc.org
Studies have said a lot on co-operatives' role in development but less have been
documented about agricultural marketing co-operatives engaged in coffee marketing. The …

Empowering small scale dairy farmers through the co-operatives model.

D Kingu, BO Ndiege - 2018 - repository.mocu.ac.tz
The co-operative model is considered to be an essential means to empower small scale
farmers in the process of improving food security. Despite the extensive literature, the …

Business development services providers: Pathways and involvement of micro, small and medium enterprises in Arusha city and the Moshi Municipality, Tanzania

AE Kweka, JR Makindara… - African Journal of …, 2022 - journals.co.za
This paper aims at determining Business Development Service Providers'(BDSPs) pathways
and involvement of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in development and …

Effects of business development service providers' resources endowment on service delivery to performance of small and medium enterprises in Northern Tanzania

AE Kweka, JR Makindara… - African Journal of …, 2022 - journals.co.za
The resource endowment of business development service providers (BDSPs) is crucial for
the provision of services to small and medium enterprises (SMEs). This paper assessed …

[PDF][PDF] A Framework for Strengthening and Sustaining Cooperatives for Socio-Economic Transformation in Uganda

A Kayongo, A Guloba, J Muvawala… - Applied Economics and …, 2022 - researchgate.net
The importance of cooperatives as an appropriate mechanism to address productivity
challenges and drive Uganda‟ s economy for socio-economic transformation is commonly …

Members' participation, sustainability of savings and credits cooperative societies

BD Magumula, BO Ndiege - 2019 - repository.mocu.ac.tz
Savings and Credit Co-operative Societies (SACCOS) are directly serving more than two
million people in Tanzania; most of whom are from the low-income population. However, its …

[PDF][PDF] Do Extension Services Influence Milk Production among Dairy Farmers' Cooperatives?

AB Nicholas, BS Angubua - International Journal of Agricultural …, 2019 - researchgate.net
Dairying is viable for smallholders but suffers from high transaction costs hence the need for
cooperatives that aid farmers to access various services. Agricultural extension …