A sco** review of the contributions of farmers' organizations to smallholder agriculture
Abstract Farmers' organizations (FOs), such as associations, cooperatives, self-help and
women's groups, are common in develo** countries and provide services that are widely …
women's groups, are common in develo** countries and provide services that are widely …
The Status of Collective Action among Rural Households in Underdeveloped Regions of China and Its Livelihood Effects under the Background of Rural Revitalization …
X He, Y Wu, J Wei - Sustainability (2071-1050), 2024 - search.ebscohost.com
Enhancing collective action among rural households is crucial for promoting rural
revitalization and improving livelihoods in underdeveloped areas. Taking Shanxi Province …
revitalization and improving livelihoods in underdeveloped areas. Taking Shanxi Province …
Agricultural cooperative marketing and credit policy reform in Uganda: An opportunity for poverty reduction
Academics and development practitioners increasingly view cooperatives as the
cornerstone for agricultural transformation and poverty reduction in sub-Saharan Africa …
cornerstone for agricultural transformation and poverty reduction in sub-Saharan Africa …
[PDF][PDF] Socio-economic benefits of agricultural marketing co-operatives and their challenges: Evidence from Selected Cases in Moshi District Council (Tanzania)
Studies have said a lot on co-operatives' role in development but less have been
documented about agricultural marketing co-operatives engaged in coffee marketing. The …
documented about agricultural marketing co-operatives engaged in coffee marketing. The …
Empowering small scale dairy farmers through the co-operatives model.
D Kingu, BO Ndiege - 2018 - repository.mocu.ac.tz
The co-operative model is considered to be an essential means to empower small scale
farmers in the process of improving food security. Despite the extensive literature, the …
farmers in the process of improving food security. Despite the extensive literature, the …
Business development services providers: Pathways and involvement of micro, small and medium enterprises in Arusha city and the Moshi Municipality, Tanzania
This paper aims at determining Business Development Service Providers'(BDSPs) pathways
and involvement of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in development and …
and involvement of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in development and …
Effects of business development service providers' resources endowment on service delivery to performance of small and medium enterprises in Northern Tanzania
The resource endowment of business development service providers (BDSPs) is crucial for
the provision of services to small and medium enterprises (SMEs). This paper assessed …
the provision of services to small and medium enterprises (SMEs). This paper assessed …
[PDF][PDF] A Framework for Strengthening and Sustaining Cooperatives for Socio-Economic Transformation in Uganda
A Kayongo, A Guloba, J Muvawala… - Applied Economics and …, 2022 - researchgate.net
The importance of cooperatives as an appropriate mechanism to address productivity
challenges and drive Uganda‟ s economy for socio-economic transformation is commonly …
challenges and drive Uganda‟ s economy for socio-economic transformation is commonly …
Members' participation, sustainability of savings and credits cooperative societies
BD Magumula, BO Ndiege - 2019 - repository.mocu.ac.tz
Savings and Credit Co-operative Societies (SACCOS) are directly serving more than two
million people in Tanzania; most of whom are from the low-income population. However, its …
million people in Tanzania; most of whom are from the low-income population. However, its …
[PDF][PDF] Do Extension Services Influence Milk Production among Dairy Farmers' Cooperatives?
AB Nicholas, BS Angubua - International Journal of Agricultural …, 2019 - researchgate.net
Dairying is viable for smallholders but suffers from high transaction costs hence the need for
cooperatives that aid farmers to access various services. Agricultural extension …
cooperatives that aid farmers to access various services. Agricultural extension …