Sharing knowledge and expertise: The CSCW view of knowledge management

MS Ackerman, J Dachtera, V Pipek, V Wulf - … Supported Cooperative Work …, 2013 - Springer
Abstract Knowledge Management (KM) is a diffuse and controversial term, which has been
used by a large number of research disciplines. CSCW, over the last 20 years, has taken a …

IT to support knowledge sharing in communities, towards a social capital analysis

M Huysman, V Wulf - Journal of information technology, 2006 -
Ignoring the informal, non-canonical nature of knowledge sharing, including people's
motivation, ability and opportunity to share knowledge, is one of the key causes of resistance …

Engaging with practices: design case studies as a research framework in CSCW

V Wulf, M Rohde, V Pipek, G Stevens - … of the ACM 2011 conference on …, 2011 -
Information and communications technology (ICT) pervades most aspects of our lives and
changes everyday's practices in work and leisure time. When designing innovative ICTs, we …

Grounded Design-a praxeological IS research perspective

M Rohde, P Brödner, G Stevens… - Journal of Information …, 2017 -
In this paper, we propose Grounded Design-a particular design research (DR) approach
rooted in a practice-theoretical tradition. It assesses the quality of information technology (IT) …

Socio-technical systems: a meta-design perspective

G Fischer, T Herrmann - International Journal of Sociotechnology …, 2011 -
Meta-design of socio-technical systems complies with the need to integrate two types of
structures and processes: technical systems, which are engineered to provide anticipatable …

Practice-based computing: Empirically grounded conceptualizations derived from design case studies

V Wulf, C Müller, V Pipek, D Randall, M Rohde… - … technologies in the real …, 2015 - Springer
The introduction of IT has changed the way we live in many ways. Historically, it can even be
argued that socially embedded applications of information technology challenge and …

Tyoilmapiiri, tyontekijoiden hyvinvointi ja muutoksen mahdollisuus.

M Nakari - 2004 -
In the theoretical part of the study the concepts of organizational and work climate and well-
being were discussed and the questionnaire used in the empirical part was evaluated. The …

Component-based tailorability: Enabling highly flexible software applications

V Wulf, V Pipek, M Won - International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 2008 - Elsevier
Component technologies are perceived as an important means to keep software
architectures flexible. Flexibility offered by component technologies typically addresses …

Interaction design beyond the product: Creating technology-enhanced activity spaces

V Kaptelinin, LJ Bannon - Human–Computer Interaction, 2012 - Taylor & Francis
The field of interaction design to date has been predominantly concerned with designing
products, that is, devices, systems, and more recently services. A growing body of theoretical …

[PDF][PDF] Arbeiten im Mittelstand 4.0-KMU im Spannungsfeld des digitalen Wandels.

T Ludwig, C Kotthaus, M Stein, H Durt… - HMD Prax …, 2016 -
Das aktuelle Verständnis von Industrie 4.0 umfasst oftmals die Vision einer
vollautomatisierten und Technologie-determinierten Entwicklung der deutschen Industrie …