Sharing knowledge and expertise: The CSCW view of knowledge management
Abstract Knowledge Management (KM) is a diffuse and controversial term, which has been
used by a large number of research disciplines. CSCW, over the last 20 years, has taken a …
used by a large number of research disciplines. CSCW, over the last 20 years, has taken a …
IT to support knowledge sharing in communities, towards a social capital analysis
Ignoring the informal, non-canonical nature of knowledge sharing, including people's
motivation, ability and opportunity to share knowledge, is one of the key causes of resistance …
motivation, ability and opportunity to share knowledge, is one of the key causes of resistance …
Engaging with practices: design case studies as a research framework in CSCW
Information and communications technology (ICT) pervades most aspects of our lives and
changes everyday's practices in work and leisure time. When designing innovative ICTs, we …
changes everyday's practices in work and leisure time. When designing innovative ICTs, we …
Grounded Design-a praxeological IS research perspective
In this paper, we propose Grounded Design-a particular design research (DR) approach
rooted in a practice-theoretical tradition. It assesses the quality of information technology (IT) …
rooted in a practice-theoretical tradition. It assesses the quality of information technology (IT) …
Socio-technical systems: a meta-design perspective
G Fischer, T Herrmann - International Journal of Sociotechnology …, 2011 -
Meta-design of socio-technical systems complies with the need to integrate two types of
structures and processes: technical systems, which are engineered to provide anticipatable …
structures and processes: technical systems, which are engineered to provide anticipatable …
Practice-based computing: Empirically grounded conceptualizations derived from design case studies
The introduction of IT has changed the way we live in many ways. Historically, it can even be
argued that socially embedded applications of information technology challenge and …
argued that socially embedded applications of information technology challenge and …
Tyoilmapiiri, tyontekijoiden hyvinvointi ja muutoksen mahdollisuus.
M Nakari - 2004 -
In the theoretical part of the study the concepts of organizational and work climate and well-
being were discussed and the questionnaire used in the empirical part was evaluated. The …
being were discussed and the questionnaire used in the empirical part was evaluated. The …
Component-based tailorability: Enabling highly flexible software applications
Component technologies are perceived as an important means to keep software
architectures flexible. Flexibility offered by component technologies typically addresses …
architectures flexible. Flexibility offered by component technologies typically addresses …
Interaction design beyond the product: Creating technology-enhanced activity spaces
V Kaptelinin, LJ Bannon - Human–Computer Interaction, 2012 - Taylor & Francis
The field of interaction design to date has been predominantly concerned with designing
products, that is, devices, systems, and more recently services. A growing body of theoretical …
products, that is, devices, systems, and more recently services. A growing body of theoretical …
[PDF][PDF] Arbeiten im Mittelstand 4.0-KMU im Spannungsfeld des digitalen Wandels.
Das aktuelle Verständnis von Industrie 4.0 umfasst oftmals die Vision einer
vollautomatisierten und Technologie-determinierten Entwicklung der deutschen Industrie …
vollautomatisierten und Technologie-determinierten Entwicklung der deutschen Industrie …