Submodular streaming in all its glory: Tight approximation, minimum memory and low adaptive complexity
Streaming algorithms are generally judged by the quality of their solution, memory footprint,
and computational complexity. In this paper, we study the problem of maximizing a …
and computational complexity. In this paper, we study the problem of maximizing a …
Fully dynamic submodular maximization over matroids
Maximizing monotone submodular functions under a matroid constraint is a classic
algorithmic problem with multiple applications in data mining and machine learning. We …
algorithmic problem with multiple applications in data mining and machine learning. We …
Fairness in streaming submodular maximization: Algorithms and hardness
Submodular maximization has become established as the method of choice for the task of
selecting representative and diverse summaries of data. However, if datapoints have …
selecting representative and diverse summaries of data. However, if datapoints have …
The one-way communication complexity of submodular maximization with applications to streaming and robustness
We consider the classical problem of maximizing a monotone submodular function subject
to a cardinality constraint, which, due to its numerous applications, has recently been …
to a cardinality constraint, which, due to its numerous applications, has recently been …
Dynamic non-monotone submodular maximization
Maximizing submodular functions has been increasingly used in many applications of
machine learning, such as data summarization, recommendation systems, and feature …
machine learning, such as data summarization, recommendation systems, and feature …
Regularized submodular maximization at scale
In this paper, we propose scalable methods for maximizing a regularized submodular
function $ f\triangleq g-\ell $ expressed as the difference between a monotone submodular …
function $ f\triangleq g-\ell $ expressed as the difference between a monotone submodular …
Fairness in streaming submodular maximization over a matroid constraint
Streaming submodular maximization is a natural model for the task of selecting a
representative subset from a large-scale dataset. If datapoints have sensitive attributes such …
representative subset from a large-scale dataset. If datapoints have sensitive attributes such …
Streaming submodular maximization under a k-set system constraint
In this paper, we propose a novel framework that converts streaming algorithms for
monotone submodular maximization into streaming algorithms for non-monotone …
monotone submodular maximization into streaming algorithms for non-monotone …
Parallelizing greedy for submodular set function maximization in matroids and beyond
We consider parallel, or low adaptivity, algorithms for submodular function maximization.
This line of work was recently initiated by Balkanski and Singer and has already led to …
This line of work was recently initiated by Balkanski and Singer and has already led to …
Non-monotone submodular maximization with nearly optimal adaptivity and query complexity
Submodular maximization is a general optimization problem with a wide range of
applications in machine learning (eg, active learning, clustering, and feature selection). In …
applications in machine learning (eg, active learning, clustering, and feature selection). In …