[HTML][HTML] Design practices in visualization driven data exploration for non-expert audiences
Data exploration is increasingly relevant to the average person in our data-driven world, as
data is now often open source and available to the general public and other non-expert …
data is now often open source and available to the general public and other non-expert …
Novelette, a usable visual storytelling digital learning environment
A Addone, R De Donato, G Palmieri… - IEEE …, 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Educational digital storytelling is widely recognised as a powerful approach in develo**
literary skills, experiencing problem-solving and computational thinking, information and …
literary skills, experiencing problem-solving and computational thinking, information and …
[HTML][HTML] “When I'm writing a story, I am really good” Exploring the use of digital storytelling technology at home
A prominent theme in Child-Computer Interaction (CCI) has been concerned with how
existing, and emerging, digital technologies offer the potential to bring together parent and …
existing, and emerging, digital technologies offer the potential to bring together parent and …
Engaging children in digital storytelling
A Addone, G Palmieri, MA Pellegrino - International Conference in …, 2021 - Springer
Storytelling is an effective educational strategy to empower narrative, creativity, critical and
divergent thinking, communicative and literary skills. Storytelling relies on narrative …
divergent thinking, communicative and literary skills. Storytelling relies on narrative …
[PDF][PDF] Knowledge graphs within everyone's means
M Pellegrino - Proceedings of the Interactive Experiences and …, 2021 - ceur-ws.org
A Knowledge Graph is a useful means for empowering users in actively exploring data of
interest and manage acquired knowledge. However, its most common query language …
interest and manage acquired knowledge. However, its most common query language …
Visualizing news: Approaches to communicating journalistic narratives
RFM da Silva - 2024 - search.proquest.com
A competitividade do mercado noticioso levou os jornalistas e editores a procurar formas
inovadoras de captar a atenção do público e promover o envolvimento pessoal no meio do …
inovadoras de captar a atenção do público e promover o envolvimento pessoal no meio do …
When an english teacher uses visual storytelling in teaching vocabulary for young learners: an action research
S Navilah - 2023 - etheses.uingusdur.ac.id
Vocabulary has a pivotal role to be mastered by people, especially for young learners. This
is a learning phase that is very suitable for young learners to learn languages (the golden …
is a learning phase that is very suitable for young learners to learn languages (the golden …
Outreach in Computing Education: a Design Toolkit
A Addone - elea.unisa.it
Nella nostra società, chi impara affronta la costante evoluzione del mondo, il suo progresso
tecnologico e le grandi domande che pone la tecnologia. La domanda incrementale di …
tecnologico e le grandi domande che pone la tecnologia. La domanda incrementale di …
Quality and Privacy-aware (Linked) Open Data Exploitation
MA Pellegrino - 2022 - elea.unisa.it
Data are the new oil and it is widely recognised the role of publishing them as Open Data to
let data consumers freely access and exploit them. Data providers are not only encouraged …
let data consumers freely access and exploit them. Data providers are not only encouraged …
El storytelling visual y el diseño de información en el desarrollo de materiales informativos digitales para la educación.
G Luna-Gijón - Designia, 2023 - revistasdigitales.uniboyaca.edu.co
En el proceso de enseñanza tiene un lugar primordial la misión de producir mejores
materiales informativos digitales que apoyen el aprendizaje. Se deben incluir estrategias en …
materiales informativos digitales que apoyen el aprendizaje. Se deben incluir estrategias en …