Alternative flours from pulp melons (Cucumis melo L.): Seasonality influence on physical, chemical, technological parameters, and utilization in bakery product

LDG de Medeiros, LBA de Carvalho, EPS Freitas… - Heliyon, 2024 -
Fresh vegetables have high water content and low acidity, so drying can extend shelf life,
allowing the obtaining of alternative flours for the development of new products. The study …

[HTML][HTML] Mesquite (Prosopis juliflora) grain flour: New ingredient with bioactive, nutritional and physical-chemical properties for food applications

AM de Melo Cavalcante, AM de Melo, AVF da Silva… - Future Foods, 2022 - Elsevier
Mesquite (Prosopis juliflora) is a pod found in the semiarid Northeast region of Brazil. It is
widely used as livestock feed and its by-product (the grain) has potential for human food …

Processing of Maranhão mango peels by convective drying and freeze-drying: kinetic study, functional and thermal properties

JC Albuquerque, RMF de Figueirêdo… - Journal of Food …, 2024 - Springer
Drying is an essential stage at the industrial level in the strategy of transforming agro-
industrial by-products into functional ingredients. Therefore, this study investigated the effect …

Valorization of the agro-industrial by-products of bacupari (Garcinia brasiliensis (Mart.)) through production of flour with bioactive properties

AM de Melo, RCT Barbi, BP Costa, M Ikeda, D Carpiné… - Food Bioscience, 2022 - Elsevier
Brazil has a wide variety of fruits that remain insufficiently explored. To encourage the use of
one such fruit, the bacupari ((Garcinia brasiliensis (Mart.)), the current study produced flours …

Bioactive, technological-functional potential and morphological structures of passion fruit albedo (Passiflora edulis)

RC ROSÁRIO, SD Soares, MG Martins… - Food Science and …, 2022 - SciELO Brasil
Agroindustrial disposal generates tons of passion fruit albedo during pulp and juice
processing. The reduction of this environmental pollution potential and its use involves …

Parâmetros físico-químicos, tecnológicos, atividade antioxidante, conteúdo de fenólicos totais e carotenóides das farinhas dos frutos do jatobá-do-cerrado …

ACP de Menezes Filho, MA da Silva… - Multi-Science …, 2019 -
O uso de frutos nativos do Cerrado vem ganhando destaque para o desenvolvimento de
novos produtos farináceos que apresentam características importantes para saúde e …

Efeito da farinha mista de subprodutos vegetais em pães tipo forma

CM Ferreira, SB de Lima… - Brazilian Journal of …, 2020 -
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência da farinha mista de semente de abóbora,
casca de batata doce e talos de brócolis sobre pães do tipo forma. As seguintes análises …

Provenient residues from industrial processing of açaí berries (Euterpe precatoria Mart): nutritional and antinutritional contents, phenolic profile, and pigments

VM Alves, ER Asquieri, ES Araujo… - Food Science and …, 2022 - SciELO Brasil
With worldwide recognition of the açaí berry as a source of nutrients and promising raw
material, its residues/co-products such as peels and seeds have become an environmental …

Physical–chemical evaluation of flours from brewery and macauba residues and their uses in the elaboration of cookies

S de Ávila Gonçalves, F Quiroga… - Journal of Food …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Residues from beer production and macauba oil extraction are promising due to their
composition of essential nutrients, fibers, and bioactive molecules. In this study, we analyzed …

Propriedades físico-químicas e tecnológicas da farinha do resíduo de açaí e sua utilização

MV Borges, EB de Sousa, MFA Silveira… - Research, Society and …, 2021 -
There are countless residues generated by the food industries, which leads to the search for
alternatives for the use and development of by-products. Açaí residues, in turn, popularly …