[HTML][HTML] Soliton solutions to the Boussinesq equation through sine-Gordon method and Kudryashov method
The Boussinesq equation simulates weakly nonlinear and long wave approximation that can
be used in water waves, coastal engineering, and numerical models for water wave …
be used in water waves, coastal engineering, and numerical models for water wave …
[HTML][HTML] The improved modified extended tanh-function method to develop the exact travelling wave solutions of a family of 3D fractional WBBM equations
The improved modified extended tanh-function (imETF) method is used to develop exact
traveling wave solutions of a family of 3D fractional Wazwaz-Benjamin-Bona-Mahony …
traveling wave solutions of a family of 3D fractional Wazwaz-Benjamin-Bona-Mahony …
[HTML][HTML] Soliton solutions of fractional modified unstable Schrödinger equation using Exp-function method
A Zulfiqar, J Ahmad - Results in Physics, 2020 - Elsevier
An efficient technique, namely Exp-function method is used to construct the new exact
analytic solutions of universal problem fractional modified unstable Schrödinger equation …
analytic solutions of universal problem fractional modified unstable Schrödinger equation …
Dynamics of a mechanical network consisting of discontinuous coupled system oscillators with strong irrational nonlinearities: Resonant states and bursting waves
AD Adile, F Kenmogne, AKS Tewa, H Simo… - International Journal of …, 2021 - Elsevier
The purpose of this work is the investigation of the dynamical behavior of a mechanical
network consisting of discontinuous elastically coupled system oscillators with strong …
network consisting of discontinuous elastically coupled system oscillators with strong …
[HTML][HTML] Dispersive long wave of nonlinear fractional Wu-Zhang system via a modified auxiliary equation method
In this paper, we examine a modified auxiliary equation method. We applied this novel
method on Wu-Zhang system. This model used to describe (1+ 1)-dimensional dispersive …
method on Wu-Zhang system. This model used to describe (1+ 1)-dimensional dispersive …
[HTML][HTML] Sine-Gordon expansion method to construct the solitary wave solutions of a family of 3D fractional WBBM equations
Abstract The Sine-Gordon expansion (SGE) method is used to develop exact traveling wave
solutions of a family of 3D fractional Wazwaz-Benjamin-Bona-Mahony (WBBM) equations …
solutions of a family of 3D fractional Wazwaz-Benjamin-Bona-Mahony (WBBM) equations …
Exact solutions of M-fractional Kuralay equation via three analytical schemes
This article concerns new analytical wave solutions of the Kuralay-II equations (K-IIAE and K-
IIBE) with exploration of a new definition of the derivative. This model is used in various …
IIBE) with exploration of a new definition of the derivative. This model is used in various …
[HTML][HTML] Discovery of new exact wave solutions to the M-fractional complex three coupled Maccari's system by Sardar sub-equation scheme
In this paper, we succeed at discovering the new exact wave solutions to the truncated M-
fractional complex three coupled Maccari's system by utilizing the Sardar sub-equation …
fractional complex three coupled Maccari's system by utilizing the Sardar sub-equation …
Exploring exact solitary wave solutions of Kuralay-II equation based on the truncated M-fractional derivative using the Jacobi Elliptic function expansion method
This paper focuses on the Kuralay-II equation, a prominent nonlinear evolutionary equation
used in various scientific fields. Our goal was to determine exact solutions to this equation by …
used in various scientific fields. Our goal was to determine exact solutions to this equation by …
Solitary and periodic wave solutions to the family of new 3D fractional WBBM equations in mathematical physics
For the newly implemented 3D fractional Wazwaz-Benjamin-Bona-Mahony (WBBM)
equation family, the present study explores the exact singular, solitary, and periodic singular …
equation family, the present study explores the exact singular, solitary, and periodic singular …