[HTML][HTML] The performance and durability of Anti-reflection coatings for solar module cover glass–a review
Solar photovoltaics (PV) is an important source of renewable energy for a sustainable future,
and the installed capacity of PV modules has recently surpassed 1TWp worldwide. PV …
and the installed capacity of PV modules has recently surpassed 1TWp worldwide. PV …
A state-of-the-art review on the multifunctional self-cleaning nanostructured coatings for PV panels, CSP mirrors and related solar devices
Solar energy-based devices are protected using glass surfaces that need to be cleaned
periodically to maintain their desired optimum performance. If these devices are large and …
periodically to maintain their desired optimum performance. If these devices are large and …
[HTML][HTML] A guide to and review of the use of multiwavelength Raman spectroscopy for characterizing defective aromatic carbon solids: From graphene to amorphous …
sp 2 hybridized carbons constitute a broad class of solid phases composed primarily of
elemental carbon and can be either synthetic or naturally occurring. Some examples are …
elemental carbon and can be either synthetic or naturally occurring. Some examples are …
Recent progresses of superhydrophobic coatings in different application fields: An overview
With the development of material engineering and coating industries, superhydrophobic
coatings with exceptional water repellence have increasingly come into researchers' …
coatings with exceptional water repellence have increasingly come into researchers' …
Transparent alumina based superhydrophobic self–cleaning coatings for solar cell cover glass applications
Superhydrophobic surfaces based on aluminium oxide coatings had been developed on
glass substrates via solution based approach for solar panel cover glass applications. The …
glass substrates via solution based approach for solar panel cover glass applications. The …
Durable superhydrophobic surface with highly antireflective and self-cleaning properties for the glass covers of solar cells
J Zhi, LZ Zhang - Applied Surface Science, 2018 - Elsevier
In this study, a superhydrophobic surface coating with highly antireflective properties that
maintains a high durability and light transmittance was synthesized for possible use on the …
maintains a high durability and light transmittance was synthesized for possible use on the …
On the durability and wear resistance of transparent superhydrophobic coatings
Transparent liquid repellent coatings with exceptional wear and abrasion resistance are
very demanding to fabricate. The most important reason for this is the fact that majority of the …
very demanding to fabricate. The most important reason for this is the fact that majority of the …
Avoiding snow and ice accretion on building integrated photovoltaics–challenges, strategies, and opportunities
As building integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) are becoming increasingly popular, the demand
for optimized utilization will be increasing with respect to efficiency, aesthetics and reliability …
for optimized utilization will be increasing with respect to efficiency, aesthetics and reliability …
Fundamental studies of adhesion of dust to PV module surfaces: Chemical and physical relationships at the microscale
Photovoltaic (PV) module soiling is a growing area of concern for performance and
reliability. This paper provides evaluations of the fundamental interactions of dust/soiling …
reliability. This paper provides evaluations of the fundamental interactions of dust/soiling …
A mini review on superhydrophobic and transparent surfaces
In recent years, self‐cleaning and transparent surfaces have been widely studied for
application on smart windows, solar panels, camera lenses, and other optoelectronic …
application on smart windows, solar panels, camera lenses, and other optoelectronic …