A paradigm for understanding adolescent social anxiety with unfamiliar peers: Conceptual foundations and directions for future research
Adolescents who experience social anxiety concerns often display symptoms and
impairments when interacting with unfamiliar peers. For adolescent clients, reducing …
impairments when interacting with unfamiliar peers. For adolescent clients, reducing …
Bivalent fears of evaluation: A developmentally-informed, multi-informant, and multi-modal examination of associations with safety behaviors
Fears of negative (FNE) and positive (FPE) evaluation and safety behaviors feature
prominently in cognitive-behavioral models of social anxiety. However, we have a poor …
prominently in cognitive-behavioral models of social anxiety. However, we have a poor …
Acute physical-activity related increases in interoceptive ability are not enhanced with simultaneous interoceptive attention
Interoception, the sense of the internal body, is proposed to support self-regulation, and
consequently influence mental health. Researchers have therefore shown interest in …
consequently influence mental health. Researchers have therefore shown interest in …
Trained observers' ratings of adolescents' social anxiety and social skills within controlled, cross-contextual social interactions with unfamiliar peer confederates
Adolescents at a high-risk for experiencing social anxiety display elevated distress and
social skills deficits in social interactions with unfamiliar peers. However, not all adolescents …
social skills deficits in social interactions with unfamiliar peers. However, not all adolescents …
Integrating multi-informant reports of youth mental health: A construct validation test of Kraemer and colleagues'(2003) Satellite Model
Accurately assessing youth mental health involves obtaining reports from multiple
informants who typically display low levels of correspondence. This low correspondence …
informants who typically display low levels of correspondence. This low correspondence …
When parents and adolescents make discrepant reports about parental monitoring: links to adolescent social anxiety when interacting with unfamiliar peers
Adolescents frequently experience social anxiety, with parents often serving as the primary
source of clinical referral. Yet, adolescents' needs for services often revolve around social …
source of clinical referral. Yet, adolescents' needs for services often revolve around social …
Assessing peer-related impairments linked to adolescent social anxiety: Strategic selection of informants optimizes prediction of clinically relevant domains
Socially anxious adolescents commonly experience impaired interpersonal functioning with
unfamiliar, same-age peers. Yet, we lack short screening tools for assessing peer-related …
unfamiliar, same-age peers. Yet, we lack short screening tools for assessing peer-related …
Adolescent safety behaviors and social anxiety: Links to psychosocial impairments and functioning with unfamiliar peer confederates
Socially anxious adolescents often endure anxiety-provoking situations using safety
behaviors: strategies for minimizing in-the-moment distress (eg, avoiding eye contact …
behaviors: strategies for minimizing in-the-moment distress (eg, avoiding eye contact …
Multi-informant assessments of individual differences in adolescents' socio-evaluative fears: Clinical correlates and links to arousal within social interactions
Objectives Socially anxious adolescents often display fears of negative evaluation (FNE)
and fears of positive evaluation (FPE). The Bivalent Fear of Evaluation model posits that …
and fears of positive evaluation (FPE). The Bivalent Fear of Evaluation model posits that …
Quality of Life of Parents Seeking Mental Health Services for their adolescent's social anxiety: Psychometric properties of the quality of life enjoyment and satisfaction …
Abstract Background The Quality of Life Enjoyment and Satisfaction Questionnaire Short
Form (Q-LES-Q-SF) is a well-established, clinically feasible measure of quality of life …
Form (Q-LES-Q-SF) is a well-established, clinically feasible measure of quality of life …