Status and prospects of association map** in plants
There is tremendous interest in using association map** to identify genes responsible for
quantitative variation of complex traits with agricultural and evolutionary importance. Recent …
quantitative variation of complex traits with agricultural and evolutionary importance. Recent …
Association map**: critical considerations shift from genoty** to experimental design
The goal of many plant scientists' research is to explain natural phenotypic variation in terms
of simple changes in DNA sequence. Traditionally, linkage map** has been the most …
of simple changes in DNA sequence. Traditionally, linkage map** has been the most …
The statistical analysis of multi-environment data: modeling genotype-by-environment interaction and its genetic basis
Genotype-by-environment interaction (GEI) is an important phenomenon in plant breeding.
This paper presents a series of models for describing, exploring, understanding, and …
This paper presents a series of models for describing, exploring, understanding, and …
Efficient control of population structure in model organism association map**
Genomewide association map** in model organisms such as inbred mouse strains is a
promising approach for the identification of risk factors related to human diseases. However …
promising approach for the identification of risk factors related to human diseases. However …
INTERMEDIUM-C, a modifier of lateral spikelet fertility in barley, is an ortholog of the maize domestication gene TEOSINTE BRANCHED 1
The domestication of cereals has involved common changes in morphological features,
such as seed size, seed retention and modification of vegetative and inflorescence …
such as seed size, seed retention and modification of vegetative and inflorescence …
Association analysis of historical bread wheat germplasm using additive genetic covariance of relatives and population structure
Linkage disequilibrium can be used for identifying associations between traits of interest and
genetic markers. This study used mapped diversity array technology (DArT) markers to find …
genetic markers. This study used mapped diversity array technology (DArT) markers to find …
Map** QTL for agronomic traits in breeding populations
T Würschum - Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2012 - Springer
Detection of quantitative trait loci (QTL) in breeding populations offers the advantage that
these QTL are of direct relevance for the improvement of crops via knowledge-based …
these QTL are of direct relevance for the improvement of crops via knowledge-based …