“They're not that hard to mitigate”: What cryptographic library developers think about timing attacks
Timing attacks are among the most devastating side-channel attacks, allowing remote
attackers to retrieve secret material, including cryptographic keys, with relative ease. In …
attackers to retrieve secret material, including cryptographic keys, with relative ease. In …
A systematic evaluation of automated tools for side-channel vulnerabilities detection in cryptographic libraries
To protect cryptographic implementations from side-channel vulnerabilities, developers must
adopt constant-time programming practices. As these can be error-prone, many side …
adopt constant-time programming practices. As these can be error-prone, many side …
Ten years of zmap
Since ZMap's debut in 2013, networking and security researchers have used the open-
source scanner to write hundreds of research papers that study Internet behavior. In …
source scanner to write hundreds of research papers that study Internet behavior. In …
Changing of the guards: Certificate and public key management on the internet
Certificates are the foundation of secure communication over the internet. However, not all
certificates are created and managed in a consistent manner and the certificate authorities …
certificates are created and managed in a consistent manner and the certificate authorities …
The tip of the iceberg: On the merits of finding security bugs
In this article, we investigate a fundamental question regarding software security: Is the
security of SW releases increasing over time? We approach this question with a detailed …
security of SW releases increasing over time? We approach this question with a detailed …
PARASITE: Password recovery attack against SRP implementations in the wild
Protocols for password-based authenticated key exchange (PAKE) allow two users sharing
only a short, low-entropy password to establish a secure session with a cryptographically …
only a short, low-entropy password to establish a secure session with a cryptographically …
Will you trust this tls certificate? perceptions of people working in it
Flawed TLS certificates are not uncommon on the Internet. While they signal a potential
issue, in most cases they have benign causes (eg, misconfiguration or even deliberate …
issue, in most cases they have benign causes (eg, misconfiguration or even deliberate …
Why Johnny the developer can't work with public key certificates: An experimental study of OpenSSL usability
There have been many studies exposing poor usability of security software for the common
end user. However, only a few inspect the usability challenges faced by more …
end user. However, only a few inspect the usability challenges faced by more …
D4GW: DTLS for gateway multiplexed application to secure MQTT (SN)-based pub/sub architecture
MQTT-SN a pub/sub application layer protocol is a well-established protocol in the Internet
of Things (IoT) paradigm. MQTT-SN gateway application is available as an open-source …
of Things (IoT) paradigm. MQTT-SN gateway application is available as an open-source …
Private certifier intersection
We initiate the study of Private Certifier Intersection (PCI), which allows mutually distrusting
parties to establish a trust basis for cross-validation of claims if they have one or more trust …
parties to establish a trust basis for cross-validation of claims if they have one or more trust …