[HTML][HTML] Danish Veteran Challenges and Support Structures: An Overview to Enable Transnational Analysis
This article explores the challenges of Danish veterans and the support structures and
policies in place to address these challenges. We describe Denmark's active foreign policy …
policies in place to address these challenges. We describe Denmark's active foreign policy …
The effect of military deployment on mental health
SV Lyk-Jensen, CD Weatherall, PW Jepsen - Economics & Human Biology, 2016 - Elsevier
Public concern about soldiers' mental health has increased over the last decade. Yet the
large literature on the mental health problems of returning soldiers relies primarily on self …
large literature on the mental health problems of returning soldiers relies primarily on self …
[PDF][PDF] Psykiske belastningsreaktioner hos polititjenestemænd og fængselsbetjente
Denne rapport beskriver resultaterne fra projektet Kortlægning af PTSD blandt politibetjente
og fængselsbetjente samt erfaringsopsamling på den eksisterende indsats. Undersøgelsen …
og fængselsbetjente samt erfaringsopsamling på den eksisterende indsats. Undersøgelsen …
Mental healthcare utilisation among Danish formerly deployed military personnel and their civilian counterparts: a cohort study
CDG Stoltenberg, MS Vedtofte… - European journal of …, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Background: Prior studies comparing the mental healthcare utilisation (MHU) of Danish
formerly deployed military personnel (FDP) with the general population have not included …
formerly deployed military personnel (FDP) with the general population have not included …
“I felt filled up with beauty.” Attending a classical symphonic concert improved veteran wellbeing
M Vámosi, BD Beck, CM Andreassen… - Nordic Journal of Arts …, 2024 - idunn.no
Purpose: The study aimed to investigate the effect of a Western classical symphonic concert
on mental wellbeing in war veterans compared to a general audience. Methods: A quasi …
on mental wellbeing in war veterans compared to a general audience. Methods: A quasi …
[PDF][PDF] Danske Veteraners Udfordringer og Adgang til Støtte: En Oversigt til at Muliggøre Transnational Analyse
Denne artikel udforsker danske veteraners udfordringer og de støttestrukturer og politikker,
der er på plads for at adressere disse udfordringer. Vi beskriver Danmarks aktive …
der er på plads for at adressere disse udfordringer. Vi beskriver Danmarks aktive …
" I felt filled up with beauty": Attending a claassical symphonic concert improved wellbeeing
M Vámosi, BD Beck, CM Andreassen… - Nordic Journal of Arts …, 2024 - forskning.ruc.dk
Purpose: The study aimed to investigate the effect of a Western classical symphonic concert
on mental wellbeing in war veterans compared to a general audience. Methods: A quasi …
on mental wellbeing in war veterans compared to a general audience. Methods: A quasi …
[PDF][PDF] Rehabilitation of Danish veterans with spinal cord injuries during international missions
NJ Holm, BB Noe, DD Hoffmann… - Dan Med J, 2015 - content.ugeskriftet.dk
The six veterans were all men aged 21 28 years at the time they sustained SCI, and they
were all treated ini tially at local hospitals or military hospitals (table 1). Five were transferred …
were all treated ini tially at local hospitals or military hospitals (table 1). Five were transferred …
SV Lyk-Jensen, CD Weatherall, PW Jepsen - pure.vive.dk
In this paper we estimate the causal effect of military deployment on soldiers' mental health.
To handle the selection bias problem, we use longitudinal data for deployed and non …
To handle the selection bias problem, we use longitudinal data for deployed and non …
S BENGT, HED SSON, ST JØRGENSEN - researchgate.net
Formålet med denne undersøgelse er at give et første billede af gruppen af personer med
sindslidelse, som anvender kommunens sociale indsatser med bl. a. denne målgruppe. Der …
sindslidelse, som anvender kommunens sociale indsatser med bl. a. denne målgruppe. Der …