Nonreciprocal collective magnetostatic wave modes in geometrically asymmetric bilayer structure with nonmagnetic spacer
Nonreciprocity, ie inequivalence in amplitudes and frequencies of spin waves propagating
in opposite directions, is a key property underlying functionality in prospective magnonic …
in opposite directions, is a key property underlying functionality in prospective magnonic …
Laser‐Induced Transient Anisotropy and Large Amplitude Magnetization Dynamics in a Gd/FeCo Multilayer
TGH Blank, S Hermanussen… - Advanced Materials …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Ultrafast laser‐induced dynamics in a ferrimagnetic gadolinium iron cobalt (Gd/FeCo)
multilayer with a magnetization compensation temperature of TM= 320 K is studied at room …
multilayer with a magnetization compensation temperature of TM= 320 K is studied at room …
Spectrum evolution and chir** of laser-induced spin wave packets in thin iron films
We present an experimental study of ultrafast optical excitation of magnetostatic surface spin
wave (MSSW) packets and their spectral properties in thin films of pure iron. As the packets …
wave (MSSW) packets and their spectral properties in thin films of pure iron. As the packets …
Theory of optical generation and detection of propagating magnons in an antiferromagnet
RA Leenders, RV Mikhaylovskiy - Physical Review B, 2023 - APS
We report a theory of optical generation and detection of the propagating spin waves in
antiferromagnetic materials relevant for ultrafast pump-probe experiments. We derive and …
antiferromagnetic materials relevant for ultrafast pump-probe experiments. We derive and …
Spin reorientation transition in CoFeB/MgO/CoFeB tunnel junction enabled by ultrafast laser-induced suppression of perpendicular magnetic anisotropy
Magnetic tunnel junction (MTJ) is a leading contender for next generation high-density
nonvolatile memory technology. Fast and efficient switching of MTJs between different …
nonvolatile memory technology. Fast and efficient switching of MTJs between different …
[HTML][HTML] Tunable quasi-discrete spectrum of spin waves excited by periodic laser patterns
We present a concept for selective excitation of magnetostatic surface waves with a quasi-
discrete spectrum using spatially patterned femtosecond laser pulses inducing either an …
discrete spectrum using spatially patterned femtosecond laser pulses inducing either an …
Unidirectional propagation of spin waves excited by femtosecond laser pulses in a planar waveguide
Low-energy magnonic logic circuits are an actively develo** field of modern magnetism.
The potential benefits of magnonics for data processing are vitally dependent on units based …
The potential benefits of magnonics for data processing are vitally dependent on units based …
Enhanced laser-induced single-cycle terahertz generation in a spintronic emitter with a gradient interface
The development of spintronic emitters of broadband terahertz (THz) pulses relies on
designing heterostructures in which the processes of laser-driven spin current generation …
designing heterostructures in which the processes of laser-driven spin current generation …
Spatial asymmetry of optically excited spin waves in anisotropic ferromagnetic film
We analytically discuss and micromagnetically prove the ways to tune the spatial asymmetry
of the initial phase, amplitude, and wavevectors of magnetostatic waves driven by ultrafast …
of the initial phase, amplitude, and wavevectors of magnetostatic waves driven by ultrafast …
Сверхбыстрое лазерно-индуцированное управление магнитной анизотропией наноструктур
АМ Калашникова, НЕ Хохлов, ЛА Шелухин… - Журнал технической …, 2021 - mathnet.ru
Использование коротких лазерных импульсов, имеющих длительность менее 100 fs,
для изменения магнитного состояния магнитоупорядоченных сред развилось в …
для изменения магнитного состояния магнитоупорядоченных сред развилось в …