Mental toughness and individual differences in learning, educational and work performance, psychological well-being, and personality: A systematic review
Mental toughness (MT) is an umbrella term that entails positive psychological resources,
which are crucial across a wide range of achievement contexts and in the domain of mental …
which are crucial across a wide range of achievement contexts and in the domain of mental …
[HTML][HTML] Mental toughness and success in sport: A review and prospect
RG Cowden - The Open Sports Sciences Journal, 2017 -
Background: Mental toughness (MT) is often referred to as one of the most important
psychological attributes underpinning the success of athletes. Although selected studies …
psychological attributes underpinning the success of athletes. Although selected studies …
Effect of employee experience on organizational commitment: Case of South Korea
This study's purpose is to examine the effect of employee experience on job satisfaction,
psychological well-being, and organizational commitment among corporate employees, with …
psychological well-being, and organizational commitment among corporate employees, with …
Effect of the employees' mental toughness on organizational commitment and job satisfaction: Mediating psychological well-being
This study aims to examine the impact of mental toughness of employees on their
psychological well-being, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment. A research …
psychological well-being, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment. A research …
Persepsi Atlet Futsal Putra Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia Terhadap Hipnoterapi Dalam Meningkatkan Konsentrasi Saat Bertanding
This study aims to determine the perceptions of men's futsal athletes at the Indonesian
University of Teknokrat towards hypnotherapy in increasing concentration while competing …
University of Teknokrat towards hypnotherapy in increasing concentration while competing …
[PDF][PDF] The effect of hypnotherapy and mental toughness on concentration when competing for futsal athletes
RM Aguss, R Yuliandra - 2021 -
The purpose of this study was to determine the difference in the effect of the type of hypnosis
and the level of mental toughness on the concentration of futsal athletes. This research …
and the level of mental toughness on the concentration of futsal athletes. This research …
The rocky road to the top: why talent needs trauma
D Collins, Á MacNamara - Sports medicine, 2012 - Springer
The increasingly well funded and high-tech world of talent development (TD) represents an
important investment for most sports. Reflecting traditional concepts of challenge and focus …
important investment for most sports. Reflecting traditional concepts of challenge and focus …
Relationships between mental toughness and psychological wellbeing in undergraduate students
This study examined relationships between mental toughness (MT) and psychological
wellbeing (PWB) in undergraduate students. Following previous research that identified …
wellbeing (PWB) in undergraduate students. Following previous research that identified …
Mental toughness and self-efficacy of elite ultra-marathon runners
AW Brace, K George, GP Lovell - Plos one, 2020 -
Minimal research has examined psychological processes underpinning ultra-marathon
runners' performance. This study examined the relationships between mental toughness …
runners' performance. This study examined the relationships between mental toughness …
Adventurous physical activity environments: a mainstream intervention for mental health
Adventurous physical activity has traditionally been considered the pastime of a small
minority of people with deviant personalities or characteristics that compel them to …
minority of people with deviant personalities or characteristics that compel them to …