The Basin and Range Province as a composite extensional domain
WR Dickinson - International Geology Review, 2002 - Taylor & Francis
The Basin and Range province is a composite Cenozoic taphrogen with a present
configuration and internal geometry derived from superimposed multiple phases of …
configuration and internal geometry derived from superimposed multiple phases of …
Ignimbrite flare‐up and deformation in the southern Sierra Madre Occidental, western Mexico: Implications for the late subduction history of the Farallon plate
The Sierra Madre Occidental (SMO) of western Mexico is one of the largest silicic volcanic
provinces on Earth, but the mechanism for the generation of such a large volume of …
provinces on Earth, but the mechanism for the generation of such a large volume of …
Magmatismo y tectónica en la Sierra Madre Occidental y su relación con la evolución de la margen occidental de Norteamérica
Magmatismo y tectónica en la Sierra Madre Occidental y su relación con la evolución de la
margen occidental de norteamérica SciELO - Scientific Electronic Library Online vol.57 …
margen occidental de norteamérica SciELO - Scientific Electronic Library Online vol.57 …
Plate interactions control middle–late Miocene, proto-Gulf and Basin and Range extension in the southern Basin and Range
Middle–late Miocene (proto-Gulf;∼ 12–6Ma) extension around the Gulf of California (Gulf
Extensional Province) is commonly interpreted as resulting from partitioning of oblique …
Extensional Province) is commonly interpreted as resulting from partitioning of oblique …
Crustal velocity field of Mexico from continuous GPS measurements, 1993 to June 2001: Implications for the neotectonics of Mexico
We combine velocities for 14 continuous GPS stations spanning Mexico and 173 additional
continuous GPS sites on the North American and Pacific plates to study the large‐scale …
continuous GPS sites on the North American and Pacific plates to study the large‐scale …
Geometry, mechanisms and significance of extensional folds from examples in the Rocky Mountain Basin and Range province, USA
SU Janecke, CJ Vandenburg, JJ Blankenau - Journal of Structural Geology, 1998 - Elsevier
Geologic map** and structural analysis in Paleogene half graben of Idaho and Montana
have revealed over 70 extensional folds that form orthogonal sets with mostly NE-and SE …
have revealed over 70 extensional folds that form orthogonal sets with mostly NE-and SE …
Paleogene extension in the southern Basin and Range province of Mexico: Syndepositional tilting of Eocene red beds and Oligocene volcanic rocks in the …
JJ Aranda-Gómez, FW Mcdowell - International Geology Review, 1998 - Taylor & Francis
The Guanajuato region, located in the southern part of the Basin and Range tectonic
province, is characterized by a rhombohedral fault pattern. Extensional faulting-as well as …
province, is characterized by a rhombohedral fault pattern. Extensional faulting-as well as …
[PDF][PDF] Evolución tectonomagmática post-paleocénica de la Sierra Madre Occidental y de la porción meridional de la provincia tectónica de Cuencas y Sierras
A partir del Eoceno, los eventos geológicos más importantes en la región han sido
volcanismo y fa l/amiento. La actividad magmática asociada a la subducción dio origen a la …
volcanismo y fa l/amiento. La actividad magmática asociada a la subducción dio origen a la …
[HTML][HTML] Thrust v. stylolite
Mesostructures in subhorizontal thinly bedded calcareous mudstones of the Permian Bell
Canyon Formation in the western Delaware Basin (Guadalupe Mountains foothills, west …
Canyon Formation in the western Delaware Basin (Guadalupe Mountains foothills, west …
Deciphering thrust fault nucleation and propagation and the importance of footwall synclines
In this paper, we analyze small scale examples of thrust faults and related folding in
outcrops of the Cretaceous Boquillas Formation within Big Bend National Park in west Texas …
outcrops of the Cretaceous Boquillas Formation within Big Bend National Park in west Texas …