Chopped random-basis quantum optimization
In this work, we describe in detail the chopped random basis (CRAB) optimal control
technique recently introduced to optimize time-dependent density matrix renormalization …
technique recently introduced to optimize time-dependent density matrix renormalization …
QuOCS: The quantum optimal control suite
Quantum optimal control includes a family of pulse-sha** algorithms that aim to unlock the
full potential of a variety of quantum technologies. The Quantum Optimal Control Suite …
full potential of a variety of quantum technologies. The Quantum Optimal Control Suite …
Optimal trajectories for efficient atomic transport without final excitation
We design optimal harmonic-trap trajectories to transport cold atoms without final excitation,
combining an inverse engineering technique based on Lewis-Riesenfeld invariants with …
combining an inverse engineering technique based on Lewis-Riesenfeld invariants with …
Optimal pulse design in quantum control: A unified computational method
Many key aspects of control of quantum systems involve manipulating a large quantum
ensemble exhibiting variation in the value of parameters characterizing the system …
ensemble exhibiting variation in the value of parameters characterizing the system …
A shortcut tour of quantum control methods for modern quantum technologies
Quantum control methods, like rapid adiabatic passage, stimulated Raman adiabatic
passage, shortcuts to adiabaticity and optimal control, have become an integral part of …
passage, shortcuts to adiabaticity and optimal control, have become an integral part of …
Frictionless atom cooling in harmonic traps: A time-optimal approach
In this article we formulate frictionless atom cooling in harmonic traps as a time-optimal
control problem, permitting imaginary values of the trap frequency for transient time intervals …
control problem, permitting imaginary values of the trap frequency for transient time intervals …
Moment quantization of inhomogeneous spin ensembles
Robust excitation of a large spin ensemble is a long-standing problem in the field of
quantum information science and engineering and presents a grand challenge in quantum …
quantum information science and engineering and presents a grand challenge in quantum …
Quantum optimal control using phase-modulated driving fields
Quantum optimal control represents a powerful technique to enhance the performance of
quantum experiments by engineering the controllable parameters of the Hamiltonian …
quantum experiments by engineering the controllable parameters of the Hamiltonian …
Optimal control of uncertain systems using sample average approximations
In this paper, we introduce the uncertain optimal control problem of determining a control
that minimizes the expectation of an objective functional for a system with parameter …
that minimizes the expectation of an objective functional for a system with parameter …
Optimal control of inhomogeneous ensembles
Inhomogeneity, in its many forms, appears frequently in practical physical systems. Readily
apparent in quantum systems, inhomogeneity is caused by hardware imperfections …
apparent in quantum systems, inhomogeneity is caused by hardware imperfections …