[HTML][HTML] A comprehensive review of multisource solid wastes in sustainable concrete: From material properties to engineering application
Considering the environmental problems caused by storing massive solid waste, the need
for harmless disposal of multielement solid waste has become increasingly urgent. This …
for harmless disposal of multielement solid waste has become increasingly urgent. This …
Per-and poly-fluoroalkyl substance remediation from soil and sorbents: A review of adsorption behaviour and ultrasonic treatment
Per-and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are xenobiotics, present at variable
concentrations in soils and groundwater worldwide. Some of the current remediation …
concentrations in soils and groundwater worldwide. Some of the current remediation …
Long-term ageing characteristics of cemented paste backfill: Usability of sand as a partial substitute of hazardous tailings
Considering environmental problems caused by sulfidic tailings as a result of long-term
ageing as well as inadequacies in their gradations in ensuring the strength needed for …
ageing as well as inadequacies in their gradations in ensuring the strength needed for …
Predicting residual friction angle of lunar regolith based on Chang'e-5 lunar samples
With the rapid development of human lunar exploration projects, the lunar base
establishment and resource utilization are on the way, and hence it is urgent and significant …
establishment and resource utilization are on the way, and hence it is urgent and significant …
Effects of changes in soil properties caused by progressive infiltration of rainwater on rainfall-induced landslides
Z Zhang, R Zeng, X Meng, S Zhao, S Wang, J Ma… - Catena, 2023 - Elsevier
Slope failure is associated with changes in pore water pressure induced by rainfall, this
paper further attempt to bridge knowledge gaps that exist in understanding the relationship …
paper further attempt to bridge knowledge gaps that exist in understanding the relationship …
Multi-scale understanding of sand-geosynthetic interface shear response through Micro-CT and shear band analysis
To understand the process of mobilisation of shear strength in sand-geosynthetic interfaces
at a fundamental level, it is essential to precisely characterize the size and shape of the …
at a fundamental level, it is essential to precisely characterize the size and shape of the …
Micro-mechanical analysis of soil–structure interface behavior under constant normal stiffness condition with DEM
The mechanical behavior at soil–structure interface (SSI) has a crucial influence on the
safety and stability of geotechnical structures. However, the behavior of SSI under constant …
safety and stability of geotechnical structures. However, the behavior of SSI under constant …
Influence of particle shape on the shear strength and dilation of sand-woven geotextile interfaces
The influence of particle shape on the mechanical behavior of sand-woven geotextile
interfaces over a wide domain of soil density and normal stress is studied. A uniformly …
interfaces over a wide domain of soil density and normal stress is studied. A uniformly …
Global and local sand–geosynthetic interface behaviour
The influence of overall particle shape, mean particle size, initial relative density and
effective normal stress on the global and local soil–geosynthetic interaction is investigated …
effective normal stress on the global and local soil–geosynthetic interaction is investigated …
Effect of particle size of sand and surface asperities of reinforcement on their interface shear behaviour
This paper investigates the effect of particle size of sand and the surface asperities of
reinforcing material on their interlocking mechanism and its influence on the interfacial shear …
reinforcing material on their interlocking mechanism and its influence on the interfacial shear …