Curras: an annotated corpus for the Palestinian Arabic dialect
In this article we present Curras, the first morphologically annotated corpus of the
Palestinian Arabic dialect. Palestinian Arabic is one of the many primarily spoken dialects of …
Palestinian Arabic dialect. Palestinian Arabic is one of the many primarily spoken dialects of …
[KNJIGA][B] Handling Arabic morphological and syntactic ambiguity within the LFG framework with a view to machine translation
MA Attia - 2008 -
This research investigates different methodologies to manage the problem of morphological
and syntactic ambiguities in Arabic. We build an Arabic parser using XLE (Xerox Linguistics …
and syntactic ambiguities in Arabic. We build an Arabic parser using XLE (Xerox Linguistics …
[PDF][PDF] Alkhalil morpho sys1: A morphosyntactic analysis system for arabic texts
ABSTRACT Alkhalil Morpho Sys1 is a morphosyntactic parser of Standard Arabic words.
The system can process non vocalized texts as well as partially or totally vocalized ones …
The system can process non vocalized texts as well as partially or totally vocalized ones …
Arabic machine translation: a survey
Although there is no machine learning technique that fully meets human requirements,
finding a quick and efficient translation mechanism has become an urgent necessity, due to …
finding a quick and efficient translation mechanism has become an urgent necessity, due to …
Machine-translation history and evolution: Survey for Arabic-English translations
As a result of the rapid changes in information and communication technology (ICT), the
world has become a small village where people from all over the world connect with each …
world has become a small village where people from all over the world connect with each …
[PDF][PDF] A rule based persons names Arabic extraction system
Abstract Named Entity Extraction is a very new in Arabic Natural Language processing
although it has reached maturity for some other languages such as English and French. In …
although it has reached maturity for some other languages such as English and French. In …
[PDF][PDF] An open-source finite state morphological transducer for modern standard Arabic
We develop an open-source large-scale finitestate morphological processing toolkit (Ara-
ComLex) for Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) distributed under the GPLv3 license. 1 The …
ComLex) for Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) distributed under the GPLv3 license. 1 The …
Arabic spelling error detection and correction
A spelling error detection and correction application is typically based on three main
components: a dictionary (or reference word list), an error model and a language model …
components: a dictionary (or reference word list), an error model and a language model …
[PDF][PDF] A top-down chart parser for analyzing arabic sentences.
Parsing of Arabic sentences is a necessary mechanism for many natural language
processing applications such as machine translation; question answering, knowledge …
processing applications such as machine translation; question answering, knowledge …
Ibn-ginni: An improved morphological analyzer for arabic
Arabic is a morphologically rich language, which means that the Arabic language has a
complicated system of word formation and structure. The affixes in the Arabic language (ie …
complicated system of word formation and structure. The affixes in the Arabic language (ie …