Curras: an annotated corpus for the Palestinian Arabic dialect

M Jarrar, N Habash, F Alrimawi, D Akra… - Language Resources …, 2017 - Springer
In this article we present Curras, the first morphologically annotated corpus of the
Palestinian Arabic dialect. Palestinian Arabic is one of the many primarily spoken dialects of …

[KNJIGA][B] Handling Arabic morphological and syntactic ambiguity within the LFG framework with a view to machine translation

MA Attia - 2008 -
This research investigates different methodologies to manage the problem of morphological
and syntactic ambiguities in Arabic. We build an Arabic parser using XLE (Xerox Linguistics …

[PDF][PDF] Alkhalil morpho sys1: A morphosyntactic analysis system for arabic texts

A Boudlal, A Lakhouaja, A Mazroui… - … Arab conference on …, 2010 -
ABSTRACT Alkhalil Morpho Sys1 is a morphosyntactic parser of Standard Arabic words.
The system can process non vocalized texts as well as partially or totally vocalized ones …

Arabic machine translation: a survey

A Alqudsi, N Omar, K Shaker - Artificial Intelligence Review, 2014 - Springer
Although there is no machine learning technique that fully meets human requirements,
finding a quick and efficient translation mechanism has become an urgent necessity, due to …

Machine-translation history and evolution: Survey for Arabic-English translations

NT Alsohybe, NA Dahan, FM Ba-Alwi - arxiv preprint arxiv:1709.04685, 2017 -
As a result of the rapid changes in information and communication technology (ICT), the
world has become a small village where people from all over the world connect with each …

[PDF][PDF] A rule based persons names Arabic extraction system

A Elsebai, F Meziane, FZ Belkredim - Communications of the IBIMA, 2009 - Citeseer
Abstract Named Entity Extraction is a very new in Arabic Natural Language processing
although it has reached maturity for some other languages such as English and French. In …

[PDF][PDF] An open-source finite state morphological transducer for modern standard Arabic

M Attia, P Pecina, A Toral, L Tounsi… - Proceedings of the 9th …, 2011 -
We develop an open-source large-scale finitestate morphological processing toolkit (Ara-
ComLex) for Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) distributed under the GPLv3 license. 1 The …

Arabic spelling error detection and correction

M Attia, P Pecina, Y Samih, K Shaalan… - Natural Language …, 2016 -
A spelling error detection and correction application is typically based on three main
components: a dictionary (or reference word list), an error model and a language model …

[PDF][PDF] A top-down chart parser for analyzing arabic sentences.

AT Al-Taani, MM Msallam, SA Wedian - Int. Arab J. Inf. Technol., 2012 -
Parsing of Arabic sentences is a necessary mechanism for many natural language
processing applications such as machine translation; question answering, knowledge …

Ibn-ginni: An improved morphological analyzer for arabic

W Nazih, A Fashwan, A El-Gendy, Y Hifny - ACM Transactions on Asian …, 2024 -
Arabic is a morphologically rich language, which means that the Arabic language has a
complicated system of word formation and structure. The affixes in the Arabic language (ie …