Impact of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder on school performance: what are the effects of medication?

R Baweja, RE Mattison, JG Waxmonsky - Pediatric Drugs, 2015‏ - Springer
Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) affects an estimated 5–7% of schoolchildren
worldwide. School functioning and academic achievement are frequently impaired by ADHD …

Universal design for learning within an integrated multitiered system of support

ER Thomas, ES Lembke… - … Disabilities Research & …, 2023‏ -
Comprehensive schoolwide initiatives like integrated multitiered systems of support (I–
MTSS) and universal design for learning (UDL) present opportunities for large–scale impact …

Opinion on recent developments and the future of special education

JM Kauffman - Remedial and Special Education, 2015‏ -
Three encouraging trends in special education are greater focus on instruction, emphasis on
positive approaches to problem behavior, and greater reliance on scientific evidence. Next …

Emotional and behavioral problems among Jordanian adolescents: Prevalence and associations with academic achievement

M Atoum, M Alhussami, A Rayan - Journal of Child and …, 2018‏ - Wiley Online Library
Background: Mental health concerns are important for adolescent's general wellbeing and
they can be associated with their ability to function effectively in various aspects of their daily …

[ספר][B] Handbook of educational psychology and students with special needs

AJ Martin, RA Sperling, KJ Newton - 2020‏ -
Names: Martin, Andrew J., 1966-editor.| Sperling, Rayne A., editor.| Newton, Kristie Jones,
1973-editor. Title: Handbook of educational psychology and students with special …

Inviting success when implementing social emotional learning into secondary suburban classrooms

BN Martin - Journal of Invitational Theory and Practice, 2020‏ -
Through the lenses of Invitational Education (Purkey & Novak, 2008, 2016) and social
emotional learning (SEL) advocated by Elias et al.,(2016), the researchers sought to answer …

Effects of TWA on science text comprehension of students with emotional and behavior disorders in a special day school

S Sanders, RP Ennis, M Losinski - Education and Treatment of …, 2018‏ -
An emerging intervention for increasing reading comprehension in students with emotional
and behavioral disorders is self-regulated strategy development (SRSD). The purpose of …

Using the self-regulated strategy development framework to teach reading comprehension strategies to elementary students with disabilities

S Sanders - Education and Treatment of Children, 2020‏ - Springer
This study examined the effect of the self-regulated strategy development (SRSD)
instructional model on the reading comprehension of elementary students with behavior …

School Connectedness, School Climate and Emotional and Behaviour Disorders in Students: Examining Relationships.

A Mahabbati, W Prabawati, I Syamsi, E Purwanta… - Cypriot Journal of …, 2022‏ - ERIC
Students with emotional and behaviour disorders (EBDs) have challenging school
connectedness experiences related to their social, behaviour and academic problems. They …

[ספר][B] The scandalous neglect of children's mental health: What schools can do

JM Kauffman, J Badar - 2018‏ -
The Scandalous Neglect of Children's Mental Health: What Schools Can Do makes the case
that children with mental health needs are under-identified and under-served by schools …