[หนังสือ][B] Preventing and reducing juvenile delinquency: A comprehensive framework

JC Howell - 2003 - books.google.com
Created as an alternative to the punishment-oriented criminal justice system, the juvenile
court is a unique American invention that has been replicated around the world. But to say …

[หนังสือ][B] American corrections in brief

TR Clear, MD Reisig, C Turpin-Petrosino, GF Cole - 2012 - academia.edu
Part One examines the social context of the correctional system. Chapter 1 asks the question
“What is corrections?” and examines the purposes of corrections within the criminal justice …

Juvenile offenders with mental health needs: Reducing recidivism using wraparound

MD Pullmann, J Kerbs, N Koroloff… - Crime & …, 2006 - journals.sagepub.com
The rate of youth with mental health needs is disproportionately high in juvenile justice.
Wraparound planning involves families and providers in coordinating juvenile justice …

Is child saving dead? Public support for juvenile rehabilitation

MM Moon, JL Sundt, FT Cullen… - Crime & …, 2000 - journals.sagepub.com
In recent years, the sustained criticism leveled at juvenile rehabilitation has raised the
question of whether the public continues to endorse the correctional policy of saving youthful …

Reducing juvenile recidivism: Evaluating the wraparound services model

MM Carney, F Buttell - Research on social work practice, 2003 - journals.sagepub.com
Objective: The purpose of this study was to (a) evaluate the relative effectiveness of
wraparound services versus conventional services for juvenile delinquent youth and (b) …

Cracks in the penal harm movement: Evidence from the field

SJ Listwan, CL Jonson, FT Cullen… - Criminology & Public …, 2008 - Wiley Online Library
Research Summary For more than three decades, the penal harm movement, which
involves “get tough” ideology and policies, has held sway over US corrections. Scholars …

[หนังสือ][B] Juvenile justice: An introduction

JT Whitehead - 2022 - taylorfrancis.com
Juvenile Justice: An Introduction, Tenth Edition, presents a comprehensive picture of
juvenile offending, delinquency theories, and the ways juvenile justice actors and agencies …

Individualization, criminalization, or problem resolution: A factorial survey of juvenile court judges' decisions to incarcerate youthful felony offenders

BK Applegate, MG Turner, JB Sanborn Jr… - Justice …, 2000 - Taylor & Francis
Existing research on the criteria used by juvenile court judges in choosing dispositions is
limited in two respects. First, the predictor variables included in most investigations have …

Perceptions of the previously convicted: The influence of conviction type and therapy participation

ER Edwards, K Mottarella - International Journal of Offender …, 2015 - journals.sagepub.com
The present study explores individuals' desires for social distance from violent versus non-
violent offenders and investigates whether disclosure of the offender's therapy completion …

Reinvesting in the lives of youth: A targeted approach to reducing recidivism

M Schweitzer, RM Labrecque… - Criminal justice policy …, 2017 - journals.sagepub.com
Justice reinvestment strategies have been proposed to allow financial resources originally
allocated for imprisonment to be reinvested into community-based alternatives. According to …