Driving rapidly while remaining in control: classical shortcuts from Hamiltonian to stochastic dynamics
Stochastic thermodynamics lays down a broad framework to revisit the venerable concepts
of heat, work and entropy production for individual stochastic trajectories of mesoscopic …
of heat, work and entropy production for individual stochastic trajectories of mesoscopic …
A space-based quantum gas laboratory at picokelvin energy scales
Ultracold quantum gases are ideal sources for high-precision space-borne sensing as
proposed for Earth observation, relativistic geodesy and tests of fundamental physical laws …
proposed for Earth observation, relativistic geodesy and tests of fundamental physical laws …
Closed-loop optimization of fast trapped-ion shuttling with sub-quanta excitation
Shuttling ions at high speed and with low motional excitation is essential for realizing fast
and high-fidelity algorithms in many trapped-ion-based quantum computing architectures …
and high-fidelity algorithms in many trapped-ion-based quantum computing architectures …
Single-atom transport in optical conveyor belts: Enhanced shortcuts-to-adiabaticity approach
Fast and nearly lossless atomic transport, enabled by moving the confining trap, is a
prerequisite for many quantum-technology applications. While theoretical studies of this …
prerequisite for many quantum-technology applications. While theoretical studies of this …
Robust control of linear systems and shortcut to adiabaticity based on superoscillations
With the advent of quantum technologies, control issues are becoming increasingly
important. In this paper, we address control in phase space under a global constraint …
important. In this paper, we address control in phase space under a global constraint …
Bayesian optimization for state engineering of quantum gases
State engineering of quantum objects is a central requirement for precision sensing and
quantum computing implementations. When the quantum dynamics can be described by …
quantum computing implementations. When the quantum dynamics can be described by …
Optimal ion shuttling for a noisy trap
We find continuous optimal trap trajectories to shuttle one ion with minimal excitation, when
the trap spring constant is affected by white noise. The Euler-Lagrange method gives a …
the trap spring constant is affected by white noise. The Euler-Lagrange method gives a …
Robustness of enhanced shortcuts to adiabaticity in lattice transport
Shortcuts to adiabaticity (STA) are a collection of quantum control techniques that achieve
high fidelity outside of the adiabatic regime. Recently an extension to shortcuts to …
high fidelity outside of the adiabatic regime. Recently an extension to shortcuts to …
Memory-optimised Cubic Splines for High-fidelity Quantum Operations
Radio-frequency pulses are widespread for the control of quantum bits and the execution of
operations in quantum computers. The ability to tune key pulse parameters such as time …
operations in quantum computers. The ability to tune key pulse parameters such as time …
Fast ion shuttling which is robust versus oscillatory perturbations
Shuttling protocols designed by shortcut-to-adiabaticity techniques may suffer from
perturbations and imperfect implementations. We study the motional excitation of a single …
perturbations and imperfect implementations. We study the motional excitation of a single …