Composition of heterogeneous web services: A systematic review
Abstract Initial developments in Service-Oriented Computing (SOC) led to the development
of Web Services using the SOAP protocol and an extensive set of tools and methods for …
of Web Services using the SOAP protocol and an extensive set of tools and methods for …
smartAPI: towards a more intelligent network of web APIs
Data science increasingly employs cloud-based Web application programming interfaces
(APIs). However, automatically discovering and connecting suitable APIs for a given …
(APIs). However, automatically discovering and connecting suitable APIs for a given …
The Semantic Web identity crisis: in search of the trivialities that never were
For a domain with a strong focus on unambiguous identifiers and meaning, the Semantic
Web research field itself has a surprisingly ill-defined sense of identity. Started at the end of …
Web research field itself has a surprisingly ill-defined sense of identity. Started at the end of …
Explanations of symbolic reasoning to effect patient persuasion and education
Artificial Intelligence (AI) models can issue smart, context-sensitive recommendations to help
patients self-manage their illnesses, including medication regimens, dietary habits, physical …
patients self-manage their illnesses, including medication regimens, dietary habits, physical …
RDF graph validation using rule-based reasoning
The correct functioning of Semantic Web applications requires that given RDF graphs
adhere to an expected shape. This shape depends on the RDF graph and the application's …
adhere to an expected shape. This shape depends on the RDF graph and the application's …
Notation3 as an existential rule language
Abstract Notation3 Logic (N 3) is an extension of RDF which allows the user to write rules
introducing new blank nodes to RDF graphs. Many applications (eg, ontology map**) rely …
introducing new blank nodes to RDF graphs. Many applications (eg, ontology map**) rely …
[HTML][HTML] Predicting future state for adaptive clinical pathway management
Clinical decision support systems are assisting physicians in providing care to patients.
However, in the context of clinical pathway management such systems are rather limited as …
However, in the context of clinical pathway management such systems are rather limited as …
Implicit quantification made explicit: How to interpret blank nodes and universal variables in Notation3 Logic
Since the invention of Notation3 Logic, several years have passed in which the theory has
been refined and applied in different reasoning engines like Cwm, EYE, and Fu**. But …
been refined and applied in different reasoning engines like Cwm, EYE, and Fu**. But …
Dynamic system models and their simulation in the Semantic Web
Modelling and Simulation (M&S) are core tools for designing, analysing and operating
today's industrial systems. They often also represent both a valuable asset and a significant …
today's industrial systems. They often also represent both a valuable asset and a significant …
Semantic Interoperability on Blockchain by Generating Smart Contracts Based on Knowledge Graphs
Background: Health 3.0 allows decision making to be based on longitudinal data from
multiple institutions, from across the patient's healthcare journey. In such a distributed …
multiple institutions, from across the patient's healthcare journey. In such a distributed …